Yuya Yuzu date

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After I put it on auto pilot I couldn't fully go to sleep because I didn't feel like getting a ticket. Once at Yuya house I quickly got off holding my arm like vegeta does when his arm is always is broken. Ringing the door bell multiple times then laying on the floor.

And finally yoko opened the door.

"Akio? Where were you we tried to call you multiple times!" She said and looked down to see my bloody arm and hand.

"Xyz user attacked me." Just simply said and she gasped.

"Quickly get inside and I will treat your injuries!" She said and I got inside and yoko quickly sat me on the couch.

"Who is that mom?!" Yuya asked

"Akio!" She replied as she unwrapped my jacket to look at the wound. "You need to press it for a while, and I'm going to find a medical kit." She told me and got up and went to the kitchen.

"What happened?" Yuya asked as he and Sora arrived in the living room to see me sitting on the couch.

"Yo." I said greeting them.

"Akio, glad your okay but who did this to you?" Yuya asked as he approached and looked at the bloody arm to my hand.

"Bloody hell." Sora said as he looked at my

"Xyz user attacked me." I replied.

"Was it the same one who attack sawatari?" Sora asked narrowing his eyes.

"No it was different one his friend."

"Hold on a second.... Don't tell me you won?!" Yuya yelled in disbelief. And I responded with a smirk.

"I'm number one after all." I chuckled doing my Vegeta impression.

"Alright honey I got the medical." Yoko said she placed it on the floor. It had the standard type scissors, bandages, a vodka. "Just to let you know it's going to hurt." She said, but I was to busy in my own thoughts wondering about doom slayer."

"AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!" Bitting my lower lip in pain. "It burns like my eyes did watching the trailer for black widow!"yelling out getting a couple of laughs from Yuya and Sora. "Although not as much."

"Now now your a big boy." Yoko said wrapping my arm and hand in bandages. "You see all will be well."

"Feel like I heard that quote from somewhere, but thanks."

"Welcome, now then why don't we have dinner." She said and we nodded then that's when the doorbell rang. "Who could be here at this hour?" She wonder and got up then opened the door.

"Hey Ms.Sakaki." Yuzu said then bow.

"Oh, Yuzu. What brings you here by this hour?" She said in a surprise tone.

"It's bit late but I was wondering if I can talk to Yuya." She asked politely.

"Sure." Yoko said and allowed yuzu to come inside and she told us that she was here for Yuya.

"Yuzu is here?" Yuya wonder walking up to the front door.

"Why she here so late?" Sora asked.

"Well when I got off of work and during me and her training we had a little talk." I said getting attention from Sora and Yoko.

"What type of talk do you mean?" Yoko asked suspiciously.

"If the tone of your is implying of what I'm saying then yes, she finally admired for having feelings for him." Saying with a smile and both of them having a shock look at me.

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