LDS Attack Continues! Blue-Eyes vs Different Dimension Demon

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I wonder I wonder.

How am I supposed to get them together. When am I supposed to get them together. I looked over to yuzu and it's obvious that she have conflicting feelings about Yuto and how he looks similar to Yuya.  So then I decided to just listen to you are number one in my head until....

"Ambush you say?! Yuya would never do something like that!"

"Gong!" Yuya yelled in surprise.

Everyone heads towards the source of the problem to see that it was gong arguing with sawatari gang.

"What is going on here?" Shuzo asked.

"Principal. Gong was on the way to yu show when I saw sawatari and his three goons. They said Yuya ambushed sawatari! That's unforgivable!" Gong explained.

"Ambush." Shuzo said surprisingly.

"I did no such thing!" Yuya protested in shock.

"Yeah he did and I was there to." Underling one said.

"Poor sawatari-San in the hospital because in the hospital because of Yuya brutal attack." Underling two said.

"Hospitalized?!" Yuya asked in shock.

"Are you three idiots done." I asked as everyone turned to me.

"What did you say?!" Underling two said.

"Are you saying sawatari-San life is not important, to you?" Underling three said.

"Nope. And here are three reasons why. One that moron is relaxed in the hospital." I said and they grunted. When I hacked into lds I gained access to all the cameras in the city.

"Number Two. He may have the same face as Yuya but he was wearing black and purple. His eyes are also grey instead of duel colored. He uses xyz summoning and Yuya can't. Me and yuzu were there at the were house with the fact I also dueled him. And to be honest the idiot deserved it."

"W-what do you mean?" Underling one asked.

"Number three. How about sawatari attacked Yuya first? Or have charges on thievery and reckless endangerment  when he took his pendulum cards, and put children life at stake. Instead of being in the hospital, I think jail is the proper place. Yuzu saw everything that happened right."

"Well....." yuzu hesitated.

"*For someone who has a crush on him you have a hard time recognizing him.*" one of the most annoying part of the show.

"We can't let you get away with it!" Underling two says.

"Fine then. Omae ma mou shinderiu."


All of the three underling said then we're instantly knocked out.

"It's best if you leave now!"  I said glaring at the three underlings making them leave in fear.

"Someone please tell me what's going on?!" Shuzo asked.

"Allow me to explain."

"The LDS chairman." Shuzo yelled in surprised.

"Yes. My name is Himika  Akaba, current lds chairwoman." She introduced herself.

Yu show main room.

"Everything our students said is true. The culprit who attack sawatari yesterday was Yuya Sakai." Himika said.

"I never assaulted sawatari." Yuya said in confidence.

"Gong believe in Yuya and will stand by his side."gong said also agreeing with him.

"Yuya nii-Chan will never hurt anyone!" Ayu added with the kids agreeing.

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