Chapter 42

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When Spencer booked the flights he also told me to ask Sawyer for the Monday and Tuesday off so we could extend our visit to Vegas. Luckily Sawyer was in a good mood this week and both of us were granted the time off. After work on the Friday Spencer insisted on stopping at an ultrasound clinic, and I agreed quickly; the thought of actually seeing something, just a little tiny beginning formations of a life we created... filled me with love and excitement.

As we sat in the clinic waiting room, Spencer was reading every pamphlet they had displayed on the wall while I anxiously looked around the room full of people at all different stages of pregnancy. Shit, I hadn't even thought about the fact I wasn't going to fit in my favourite outfits anymore. I was so caught up thinking about not being able to have coffee or wine anymore that I neglected to think about how much my body would grow.

"Excuse me, I know this is a silly question but I'm intrigued; can your husband actually read that fast?" a lady sitting two chairs down from me leaned over asking in a hushed tone.

"Oh, uh, we actually aren't married... but yes he can read that fast. He won't use these words himself but it doesn't stop me– he's a genius" I said back quietly, hoping he wouldn't overhear. I offered her a warm smile and she did the same.

"Can't be much of a genius if he hasn't wifed you up yet" she smirked and I had to hide a laugh to keep Spencer from turning his attention back to me.

"Hillburg?" a nurse appeared in the doorway with a clipboard calling my name. Spencer and I went in together and were led to a small room with an ultrasound machine, a computer, and all different kinds of posters on pregnancy. "The technician will be in shortly" the nurse said, closing the door behind us as we sat down.

"You're correct in your previous statement that I wouldn't call myself a genius" he snickered from behind yet another pamphlet, this one on the importance of folic acid for fetal development.

"Just read your pamphlet, you" I giggled as I turned my attention to the poster on the wall showing fetus sizes compared to fruits. What a weird fucking way to measure something.

"It's too early to hear the heartbeat through the Doppler, but you should be able to hear a heartbeat in four to six more weeks" the technician said as she moved the Doppler across my lower belly. Spencer was right beside me, holding my hand as he stared at the screen of the technician's computer. "And right... here! This is your little sweetpea. You estimated you are 6 weeks along, which would make this little one the size of a pea. Congratulations you two, I'll go get the print-offs and be back in a moment" the tech left the room and I looked up at Spencer in awe. He was staring so intensely at our little pea on the screen that I don't think he recognized his eyes filling with tears.

"I can't believe how much I love something so small" I said softly as a tear escaped my eye. Spencer barely even looked at me before his lips collided with mine in a feverish passion.

"That's our baby" he whispered as he broke the kiss and we both caught our breath.

When the tech returned she handed us four copies of the ultrasound and we made our way home, both of us still in complete admiration of the small little dot of life on the black and white image.

We left for Vegas early Saturday morning, arriving there in the early afternoon. Before going to see Diana we got our rental car and checked into the hotel. On our way to the facility, we stopped at Target to grab a few things, specifically a mug for Diana that read "world's best grandma" on it. We arrived at 3pm and made our way through the hallways to her room, Spencer stopped to squeeze my hand and kiss my forehead before knocking on her door and slightly pushing it further open.

Unbroken Souls (Spencer Reid x Reader POV)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin