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Chapter 8 - Dating (Is this really a horror game?)

The girl being treated as a mop croaked out a hearty laugh: "Idiot, you can use them as brooms!"

The dormitory administrator immediately woke up.

That's right, if they can't be mops, they can be brooms!

The dorm administrator no longer hesitated, and she lifted her head to glare viciously at the two rule-breaking students before she lifted the girl off the ground and brandished it in their direction.

The girl seemed extremely elated to witness the misfortune of others and she issued a strange laugh. Jaw opened wide, she bared her pointed and sharp teeth as if she wanted to tear off a huge chunk of meat the moment it touched flesh.

Zhou Wenyan was about to push Shen Dongqing aside but before he had the time to act, he witnessed the shorter man leap out sharply as he gave the dormitory administrator a kick.

The dormitory administrator was a big aunt in her forties or fifties, and with a girl in her arms, her centre of gravity was unstable to begin with. When the kick snapped out, the dormitory administrator promptly lost her balance and fell back to the ground.

The girl grunted as she rolled to the side. Having regained her freedom, she immediately turned on the dormitory administrator who had always regarded her as a mop.

But because the girl was somewhat used to being a mop, both her legs were dragging along the floor, limp, and she could only rely on her hands to crawl which a serpentine trail of blood behind her as she moved.

"Help me!" The girl's voice was shrill, "You will only be safe if you kill her!"

Under such circumstances, Zhou Wenyan made a prompt decision and decided to deal with the dormitory administrator first.

The dormitory administrator was still human by technicality and she was completely dependent on her identity as an administrator and the "tool" in her hands. Now that the girl had become a turncoat, Zhou Wenyan dealt with her without having to expend much effort.

Legs twitching once, the administrator's head tilted to the side as her life's breath fled her.

And just as Zhou Wenyan was about to get up, he suddenly noticed the residual image that the girl left in his peripheral vision and the image of the pleased smirk on her face.

As long as she killed these two students, she could become the new administrator!

The girl's eyes were scarlet as she stared at the distant person with dead eyes. Although her legs were without strength, with her palms flat on the ground, she was akin to a cheetah as she reached Shen Dongqing in a blink of eye. With her astonishing speed, it made it hard for others to react in time.

Opening her mouth wide, saliva dripped down from her lips as she stared at Shen Dongqing's slender neck greedily, wanting to bite it off.

Just one more step, before she could... Huh?

The girl's movements froze and she looked at the skin that was but an inch away from her. Following that, a thump sounded as a heavy blow impacted her abdomen area and she was sent flying like a kite with a broken string, only stopped when she slammed into the wall.

Zhou Wenyan's eyes swept across the girl who could no longer get up.

His execution was direct and efficient and it went straight for the lethal points. He was merciless, no matter their appearance or identity; and it seemed like Little Dongqing was not as simple and naïve as he might appear to be.

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