Chapter seven:Godly

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"If two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they aren't meant to be apart"

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"If two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they aren't meant to be apart"

Arabella Karve
I pull my pale bent knees closer to my chest, and wrap my arms that are immersed in goosebumps closer around them to try and maintain some semblance of warmth.

The light fall breeze blows in through the large window as I push it farther open, causing my dark hair to slightly blow backwards.

The bay window is one of my favorite spots within the manor. I am able to see the garden without actually even having to step foot in it, and rarely does anyone ever come down this hall.

I lay my head back against the wall adjacent to the window, and take a deep breath welcoming the cold air seeping into my lungs.

I smile softly as I watch a light brown rabbit bounce down the stone pathway. It gracefully hops past the most gorgeous white roses, where the petals are slowly withering, and falling down to the cold ground. I love those roses.

"Arabella!" I hear my name shouted loudly from the bottom of the hallway, snapping me out of my blissful daze and back to my patronizing reality.

I turn my head quickly away from the window, just to see my fathers apprentice speed walking towards me with an irritated frown spread across his small wrinkled face.

Maybe if he wasn't always frowning he would have aged better.

"I have been looking for you everywhere young lady!" He utters angrily as he approaches me. My eyes widen as he roughly grabs my wrist, trying to pull me out of the window.

I quickly snatch my wrist away from his tight grip and pull it to my chest defensively, staring at him in disbelief.

"Maybe use your fucking words instead of grabbing me." I sneer while standing up and angrily pushing past him.

"Well your parents require you at an essential dinner party tonight, and here you are frolicking around like a child." I swear if one more fucking person compares me to a child I am going to stick my hairbrush up their ass.

"What dinner party?" I question, turning around back towards him.

"Many significant families connected with our 'business' will be celebrated and the new assassins in training will be presented to everyone." He says hurriedly while looking at his small silver watch, in a stressed manner.

"And you only have an hour to get ready at this rate." How the fuck will I get ready in an hour?

"Okay I guess I will go prepare then." I say confidently while narrowing my eyes at him and calmly beginning to walk in the direction of my bedroom. My hair takes about 45 fucking minutes alone.

"You best hurry girl!" He hollers loudly to the back of my head, making me want to walk as slow as humanly possible.

The moment I am out of his view I break into an instant sprint towards my bedroom. Fuck.
After my walk-in closet looks like a fucking wild animal had been locked inside, I settle on a short, tight black dress that I had got last year as a present to myself.

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