Chapter thirty one:Anything

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"Hold me like the night holds the moon in its arms

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"Hold me like the night holds the moon in its arms."

Arabella Karve
I groan softly as my body slowly begins to regain consciousness, pulling me out of the best sleep of my entire life.

I try to shift my body so that I can change positions and lay on my stomach, when I suddenly come to realize that I can't move because of a warm crushing weight on top of me.

My eyes shoot open as I nervously glance around my unfamiliar surroundings, expecting to be met with my own bedroom.

The dark walls, the large windows-

My eyes land upon the dark head of hair in front of me, and that's all it take for last night's memories to come rushing back to me. All the way up until my I asked Eros to stay with me.

"Shh baby it's me." The memory of his words from last night send a weird flutter through my stomach.

Eros's warm breath softly caresses my skin, thanks to the way his face is pressed completely into my chest. And because of how his entire body is positioned on top of mine.

As if my body doesn't hurt enough, having a man, made of pure, solid muscle passed out on top of me sure isn't helping.


I inhale in surprise as I slowly become aware of the placement of Eros's large hands, that are comfortably and shamelessly resting on my ass.

My ass that only has underwear on.

My cheeks heat at the action, but I can't help but let a small grin spread across my face seeing him like this. My heartless bodyguard snuggled up against me while sleeping like a big baby.

I give into the impulsive temptation, and softly place my hands on top of Eros's head and gently run my finger through his messy dark hair that feels like heaven against my skin. The sensation sends a tinge of comfort through me, making me never want to stop.

I mindlessly play with his dark hair and stare up at the ceiling, getting lost inside of my own head and chaotically tangled thoughts.

I think back to what... Dominik, said before he let his men attack me, about being careful with the belt around Eros. I want to believe it was nothing and Dominik was just trying to get inside my head, but deep down I know there was some underlying reason for him to say that.

The thing about Dominik is he knows everything about everyone. He somehow gets whatever information he wants, no matter how impossible it seems.

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