Chapter seventeen:Breathe

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"He would set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her

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"He would set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her."

Arabella karve
"When I was a kid, my absolute worst fear was of walking down the grand stairs in our house foyer" Dimitri says with a laugh as he leans back against the velvet, brown sofa.

After an awful night of sleep, plagued by nightmares and... memories, I had received a charming text from Dimitri out of the blue, asking me to go get coffee with him from a local cafe.
I decided that it would be nice to go meet up with him, since it would help get the torturous night off of my mind.

I tightly grasp the toasty cup of hot chocolate within my cold hands, trying to attain some warmth from it. I love fall, but hate the cold.

"The stairs?" I say with a confused look.

"I had a fear that someone lived under them and one day going to pull me under with them" Dimitri says while shaking his head and laughing. His perfect smile lines display themselves proudly, reaching from his perfectly straight nose, all the way down to his smiling mouth.

"So my parents had to install an elevator because I could not walk up them"

I stare at him with a small, baffled grin.

"That sounded pretty spoiled didn't it" he says with an awkward expression.

"Just a little, but don't worry I am not one to judge" I say with a light laugh.

"My fear was dolls" I say while raising my eyebrows and thinking about the odd fear I had. "My grandma used to buy me all the vintage, collectible dolls for every occasion. Then one night there were so many in my room, and I freaked out, so I threw them all out my bedroom window." I miss my grandma.

"To say the least my parents weren't thrilled" I say with a laugh as I try to not think about the bad parts of the childhood memory.

"I don't blame you gorgeous, dolls are not up my alley"

Dimitri smiles as he takes a sip of his dark Irish cappuccino.

"I can tell your bodyguard is just delighted to be here" Dimitri says with a sarcastic grin as he nods towards the pissed off Eros, who is glaring at me darkly, in his usual black attire.

He refused to come any closer to Dimitri, so he ultimately decided to pout by the front entrance and scare off everybody.

"What are you talking about? He was leaping with joy when he heard he got to see you" I tease Dimitri as I sit crossed leg and lean slightly forward.

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