Chapter fourteen:I know

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"You owe me sleep, so much sleep"

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"You owe me sleep,
so much sleep"

Arabella Karve
My therapist, whom I only went to for one month within July, right after everything ended, told me that trauma can come back in random and bizarre ways.

So, as I gaze unsurely at the red flowers that sit in the middle of my bedroom floor, and I sit cross legged in-front of them, everything slowly starts to crawl back to me like a relentless, mental purgatory.

The box's full of dark red peddles that had pictures of me secretly taken buried beneath. The red flowers that would be placed upon my pillow, causing me sleeplessness the entire night. The crimson blood dripping onto the pure, white roses.

I haven't had red roses in my room since... he, went away.

I haven't allowed myself to come close to them because I knew they would remind me of all that I was forced to endure.

I slowly push myself onto my feet  and walk over to where the bouquet is placed on the cold floor. And then before I can change my mind, I throw them away.

I stare at the beautiful present that Dimitri gave me, out of the kindness of his heart, that is now sitting sadly at the bottom of my small trashcan, along with about twenty gum wrappers.

I have an addiction.

I just can't have them, I keep telling myself as I stare at the perfect red flowers, that are held together by white lace, that now look like unloved junk.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

As if Dimitri knew I was thinking about tonight, my phone suddenly vibrates from my bed. Fuck.

Dimitri: Hey gorgeous, I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Tonight was, rather strange...

I slowly sit down on the edge of my bed and stare at the text. How do I respond when he saw me yell at some blond fucking bitch, and then angrily storm out of a restaurant?

Me: oh yeah I am alright. I just couldn't handle loosing any more brain cells from Diana. (Aka, ill-bred Barbie)

Dimitri: apparently neither could Eros.

I roll my eyes thinking about  tonight with Eros, and all the harsh words that were said. I lay down onto my soft, cold bed, and groan loudly as my overthinking head pounds harshly.

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