Chapter nineteen:Sorry

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"The moon, and the stars, tried their best, But I couldn't look away from you"

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"The moon, and the stars, tried their best, But I couldn't look away from you"

Eros Vandare
"You should have told us sooner" Mr.Karve says while leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. His green eyes carefully analyze me, and wait impatiently for my response. Non me ne frega un cazzo.

I hate talking to stupid fucking people.

"I am aware" I answer without remorse, "I've been busy dealing with your daughter, hence why I haven't spoken to you yet" I say while leaning against the doorframe and crossing my arms over my chest. I rest my head against it, as I stare at him with boredom shining in my empty eyes.

"Ah yes, her. As long is it is you and not me having to deal with that shit" He says while laughing dryly and shaking his head. "You would be surprised, she has been that awful since she was a child" Does he think he's fucking funny?

Fucking asshole.

"I never called her awful" I sneer while rolling my eyes with anger dripping in my words.

"You implied it. And trust me everyone thinks it"

"Can we get on with what we were speaking about" I growl darkly, ending the conversation.

"Please sit Mr.Vandare" He says while nodding towards the wooden chair in front of his stupid fucking desk.

"I'm good" I respond while glaring up towards him with an empty face. I have no fucking interest in staying in here any longer then I have to.

"Well then, I believe you should be aware that it is part of your position to inform us on the heirs safety"

"Didn't I?" I say with arrogance ringing in my cold tone.

"Well when it comes to the future of the mafia's safety, I would like to be acquainted with every single detail on any dangers" He says in an irritated manner.

"Well our vehicle was fucking shot at. There is your acquaintance" I utter, irritated that no one is deciding to inform me on what the fuck is happening.

"Did you see any of their faces?"
Mr.Karve furrows his dark eyebrows. Stress lines form across his aged face as he leans forward and intertwines his fingers on the desk.

"They were completely covered. I went back that night where their car wrecked, and found nothing. They cleaned up everything fully."
I say reluctantly, ready for this stupid fucking conversation to be over.

"Of course he fucking did" Mr.Karve angrily slams his hand down violently on the desk.

I roll my eyes at his fucking bitch fit, but can't help but desire to know who the fuck he is talking about.

"Who?" I mutter while lifting my head off of the doorframe and glaring intently at the angry man in front of me.

"You are dismissed Mr.Vandare" He says while pinching the bridge of his nose in between his fingers and closing his eyes in dismissal.

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