Chapter sixteen:Ara

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"We loved with a love, That was more then love"

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"We loved with a love,
That was more then love"

Arabella Karve
I softly stick my pointer finger into the warm water and gently twirl it in a smooth circle, creating a tiny whirlpool.

The candles on the edge of my bathtub, softly waft the addicting scent of pumpkin and vanilla, as they burn tenderly.

I slowly lean back, farther into my bath while groaning loudly, and bending my pale knees that are covered lightly in bubbles.

After I got back from my... little dip, I found out that everything Eros says is not complete bullshit.

Because I though I was going to freeze my tits off.

Though, a smile still breaks out across my, still rosy face, because of the fact that I had lunch with some actually amazing people. And I got their phone numbers!

I slowly inhale deeply and hold my breath, as I steadily dunk my head under the water, loving the feeling of the warm water surrounding me and the peaceful silence of nothing but my own thoughts.
I quickly crawl into my oversized, thick sage hoodie, while trying to conserve some bodily warmth as I throw on some large black sweats and leave my hair down. I am so fucking cold.

I look towards my phone that was sitting on the edge of my vanity, that was now annoyingly buzzing.  Who would be texting me?

Hazel: HEYYY HOTTIE. Welcome to the one and only group chat:D

Briar: lucky Ara.

I stare at the text, stunned to see that harmless nickname, that i was once so used to, but now have not seen in months.
"Araaa" Tara draws out loudly as her cold hands shake my bare shoulders.

I don't look over at her instead I just stare blankly at the open window.

It doesn't matter if the window is open or closed, because no matter what...

It won't stop him.

"Please. You have to start living again at some point" she says sadly as I feel her sit down desperately on the side of my bed.

"I can't remember the last time you've eaten or even stood" she says with a slight waver of her scratchy voice.

"There is no point in living. He's going to kill me at some point anyways" I mumble quietly as my head harshly pounds, and aches where it was slammed ruthlessly into the wall.

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