Chapter thirty three:Selfish

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"I look at you, and I just love you

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"I look at you, and I just love you. And it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you."

Arabella Karve
"He's back." Is all I say, discreetly raising my chin so that the tears sitting on  the brim of my glossy eyes don't break. My father raises one of his graying eyebrows in skepticism, knowing exactly who I am talking about.

And how fucking crazy I sound.

He carefully studies my face, almost searching for a clue that I am lying, "and tell me girl, how would you know that?"

His deep tone drips with sarcasm, showing that there is absolutely no chance that he believes me. I take a slow breath, racking my brain for an answer to his question.

He's going to fucking kill me if he knows I had tried to leave again, especially after his threats concerning my, so-called, acting out.

Eros was extremely careful when we returned back to the manor, making sure that no one would ever find out that I had ever left. He promised me that he would never say anything about it to anyone, as long as I don't run away again and willingly put myself into danger without telling him.

He is putting me before his job.

And right now I am going to voluntarily sell myself out to my father, even though I got away with it.

I can't decide if I would rather die at the hands of Dominik's, or my own fathers.

"Because when I ran away last week... Dominik Voklov-," my voice hesitates as his name leaves my lips, "and some of his men attacked me, trying to take me back with them."

My heart pounds fearfully in my chest, watching my fathers pale face contort into one of purely terrifying rage.

My body threatens to give out from under me as my father shakes his head maliciously, completely ignoring the fact that I just told him a mentally unstable Russian is out for me.

The room begins tilting around me as a sharp pain shoots through my temples.

I take a shaky breath and try to steady myself by picturing Eros's warm arms wrapped around me, just like they were when I woke up this morning. A sense of comfort slowly begins to flow over me.

God I wish I was back in his arms.

Every single night since Eros saw me having my nightmare and I asked him to stay with me, I have woken up in his arms that feel more like home than anywhere else I have ever been.

I don't know when Eros finally comes up, or rather sneaks up, to my room each night. He never mentions anything regarding my parents finding out, but I am assuming he comes up fairly late to make sure that nobody suspects anything.  

I honestly don't care when or how he ends up in bed, as long as I wake up beside him.

Well more accurately under him.

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