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Weeks have passed, and the big day of their trip to France is finally upon them. As she packs their belongings, Jimin sits on the bed, busy with bookings for hotels and restaurants. Knowing that prices will be higher later, he's taking the initiative to secure everything now. They're working in tandem, Jimin taking care of all the logistics while she takes care of the finer detail, like arranging his and her clothes. Everything is falling into place, and the couple is set for a romantic getaway.


We ate our dinner lied on bed..

They both get up, their movements in unison as they start packing their lunch for their trip. They had enjoyed a delicious breakfast together and were now seated on the couch, enjoying a light, carefree chat. Their chemistry was undeniable, the ease and comfort of their movements as natural as breathing. They seemed like a perfectly matched couple, their time together never feeling forced or awkward.

" jimin " I called him as my mind raised a question to ask.

"Yes?" he replies, shifting his attention away from the lunch packing and back to her. She had his full attention now, her voice beckoning him to her. The look in her eyes betrayed a question on her mind, and he couldn't wait to hear what it was.

"That person..." She repeats slowly, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. Their conversation had led to this point, and he was reluctant to share the details of his friend. But seeing the curiosity in her eyes, he decided to be honest with her.

"They are someone very important to me," he replied, his voice laced with emotion. "Someone who has been like a brother to me. I want you to meet them because I want us to be a part of each other's worlds."

"Yes, I know but still am not understanding" I said while being confused like a silly child though my mind is not getting a point to catch up

He laughed softly, sensing her confusion.

"Let me explain: this friend of mine is incredibly special to me, almost like a brother. I want you to meet them because I want to bring you into that part of my life, just like I'm a part of yours."

His words were warm, genuine, and full of love. She was the most important person in his life, and he wanted her to meet those who mattered to him.

I was still left suspicious as he kept repeating the same thing as the person was his friend yet my expression remains confused, jimin sensed and again said about his work directly and clearly indicating to understand.

"I'm facing an important business dilemma in France, and wouldn't you know it; my close friend is there as well. What a lucky coincidence! You and me , we will undoubtedly have a great time navigating our journey and will spend great time together" he said while softly smiling and I nodded finnally understanding his response.

Its evening...and we're on our way to airport..

                        (IN CAR)
Yn pov:-
Upon looking at Jimin's exhausted face, I sensed something deeper was going on. His tense expression revealed something was amiss, yet I hesitated to ask; I was unsure of how he would take my concern. In the end, I mustered up the courage to inquire about his well-being. I asked just one question to ease into it, but it seemed to have struck a chord.

"Jimin?" I gently called out Jimin's name, breaking him out of his deep thoughts. He was so immersed in them, he seemed lost in an internal struggle. He turned to me, and I could sense a wave of relief washing over him upon seeing my face. In that moment, I felt like a haven for him; a safe harbor amidst the turmoil of his mind.

"Jimin looked at me with a gentle look, and simply said, "Is there a problem dear?" It was evident he was curious about my sudden concern for him. Yet I could already see a hint of amusement in his eyes, as if he understood that I saw through his attempt to disguise his troubles. I decided to play along with his feigned innocence, so I nodded slightly and replied, "Yes, I sense something is not right."

Jimin's smile grew tender when he responded; his gentle gesture of tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear reminded me why I had a soft spot for him. His eyes met mine, and in that moment, he shared his vulnerability and sincerity. "It's not that something is wrong," he said, gently brushing away my concerns. "I'm just a bit worried about you."

Jimin scoffed softly as I posed the question, amused by my childlike response. Still, he responded respectfully, "as I said u before I will be going to another city and my friend will be with u.. but will u manage to stay with him.."  He was genuine and kind while asking, but there was also a hint of concern in his voice and mannerisms.

I looked directly into his warm, chocolate-like eyes and smiled reassuringly, "As long as you have me, you don't have to worry about anything besides us enjoying ourselves, right?" I said that with a sweet and flirty tone, hoping to put his mind at ease and provide him with a sense of comfort. Jimin seemed to thaw at my words, relaxing his tense body, and he even chuckled softly. In that moment, there was an undeniable spark of romance in the air between us.

Jimin quickly relaxed his tense demeanor, his smile lighting up his face and bringing joy to my heart. "I won't worry, dear" he said, seeming more assured now than before. "Trust me. I'll keep in touch with him  and you to make sure everything is okay."  There was a certain sweetness in the way he said every word, and his warmth reassured me that we were on the same page. I couldn't help but smile, feeling closer to him than ever before.

I smiled softly in response to his reassurance, thankful for his support. Then, with complete trust in him, I leaned over and lay my head on his shoulder, feeling safe and at ease with his presence next to me.  I remained there, content in the knowledge that he would handle whatever came up; I was not alone in facing life's challenges after all. I felt lucky to have someone like Jimin by my side, someone who could make me feel protected and comforted no matter what.

         ****After an hour****
***In flight***

Jimin's pov
Yn was sleeping.. I dialled a number and the person picked up the call
??:- hello?
Jimin:- Hye it's me .. jimin
??:- ooh yea so ? Are u coming over here?
Jimin: yea on the way.
??:- great. Btw when will I meet u?
Jimin:- Maybe tomorrow.
I will try to reach out u so be attentive and keep an eye on West gang..  I guess he knows that I am coming over there..
??:- obviously. I don't think that he knows abt me yet?
Jimin:- he will because, if he is keeping an eye on me then he will be in contact with u too.
So be alarmed..
??:- ok bye..

***At night***
After a long journey, Jimin and I finally arrived in France, and we were now enjoying a delicious dinner at a lovely hotel. As Jimin devoured his meal with gusto while chatting with me , I couldn't help but watch him in fascination. His relaxed demeanor showed that he felt at home here, and his conversation seemed to be going well. This was only making him more attractive to me, his confidence and ease around here making my heart throb. It was safe to say that the evening was turning out to be quite blissful...

I approached Jimin with a playful yet genuine attitude, eager to know what our next moves were going to be. "So, anything planned for us to do while we're here?" I queried with a hint of mischief in my voice, but there was also a genuine edge of expectation behind my words. Jimin smiled at me, his warm gaze immediately showing that he understood my playful intent, and he quickly took the lead in our little banter session.

Jimin couldn't help but grin at my playful tone, and he shot back with an equally lighthearted attitude. "Oh, dear there's a mistake," he replied, sounding amused yet genuine. "It's not "any" plans, it's "many" plans." His words radiated happiness and enthusiasm, and as he said that, my heart fluttered, overwhelmed by how charming and vibrant his mood was. It was clear that he had plenty of ideas up his sleeve for us to enjoy our time here.

My heart swelled with happiness at Jimin's response; his joyful energy was contagious, and it warmed my heart to see him this happy and excited. I grinned widely at him, feeling excited and grateful to have such a positive person in my life. After finishing our dinner, we immediately went to rest, ready to dive into the many plans he had in store for us.


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