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Beep, beep, beep!

I heard my alarm go off, '7:00 AM'. "Ugh. It's too early," I groaned. As I exited my warm blanket, chills ran down my body as the cold air hit. Germany was freezing during this time of year, and I forgot I left my window cracked open. I walked over to the window and shut it as my body shivered; I went to get one of könig's sweatshirts. His scent was still on it, and I always felt comforted by his clothes.

König didn't come back to the room last night, and lately, he's been acting weird, but I tried to brush it off as he was the colonel of the force. The task was off today, so I went downstairs in my PJs. I saw Sergeant White, also known as Mandy, in her PJs as well, drinking coffee at the table. White became a close friend throughout my time here on the force; she always had my back, and she's a little crazy, but it's what I loved about her.

"Another morning alone." I sat beside her. She put her cup down, "Rose, come on. That's like the third night. It's time you say something; this is getting out of hand." I knew she cared for me, but she was right. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, she was right. "I know. But I mean, how will I talk to him if he's barely there?" Mandy shrugged, and I slightly moped, trying to think of ideas.

My thoughts were interrupted as someone else entered the dining area; it was Lilith. Lilith was just like one of us, but she had the most bitchiest face, yet she wasn't rude. She was the complete opposite. She was the newbie, though; she joined our task force about a month ago. Her callsign was Dice.

"Morning, ladies," she said as she walked to the coffee pot. She seemed cheerful.. Too cheerful. Lilith had long, wavy blonde hair below her shoulders and almond-brown eyes. "Morning, Dice," I responded; Mandy glared at her. I nudged Mandy and gave her a look, 'Be nice.' She rolled her eyes, "Morning." she responded with an attitude, sipping her coffee afterward.

An awkward silence filled the room as Lilith continued making her coffee; I cleared my throat, "So, uh, Lilth, how do you like the task so far?" I asked. She turned around and softly smiled, "It's great. I feel at home already." well, at least she felt comfortable. Mandy scoffed, "Seems a bit soon, don't you think?" I kicked her leg underneath the table, "OW!" she spoke loudly; I glared at her, 'BE. NICE.'

Lilith smiled awkwardly and sipped her coffee, "It's okay. Colonel König has been training me." her cheeks filled with rosiness. Me and Mandy gave each other a look, König? The 6'2 Tall Man who has social anxiety? I turned my attention back to Lilith, "Oh? So you guys have been training with the others then?" I laughed nervously but raised with curiosity.

Lilith shook her head lightly as she swallowed her coffee and responded, "Well, Colonel thinks they will be too time-consuming and cause distractions with training, so we have been doing a lot of one-on-one training." I raised an eyebrow and looked at Mandy once more. My gut was telling me something was wrong with Lilth's statement.

Again, there was a stillness that fell in the area. I sat and gazed into space as everything blurred out, and it felt like I was the only person in the room. König did the same with me. That is the same way we started. Finally, as I came back to reality, Lilth spoke, "I better get going... See you guys later." awkwardly exiting the dining area.

I looked at Mandy, my face in a blank expression. "I can't believe him.." I spoke bluntly. Mandy's eyebrows furrowed, "I knew she was trouble once I saw her, Rose. You either come up with some intervention or beat some ass." I looked down as my heart sank to my feet. They have been doing this for almost more than a month, and I was oblivious. How could he? Anger rose in my blood but built out of hurt.

It was 10 p.m., and I had finished packing the last of könig's belongings. After crying for hours, I was numb to the situation. I sat on the bed, looking expressionless. After some time passed, I heard keys jingle into the lock outside the door, könig was finally home. I wiped my eyes, and my mood instantly shifted.

"Meine Liebe, ich bin zu Hause. (my love, I'm home.)" he shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and replied, "I'm upstairs!" I heard bags drop as he always brought extra gear and stuff for his training activities. Heavy footsteps creaked on each step of the stairs as he made his way up.

The bedroom door slowly opened as könig peered his head in; he saw me sitting on the bed with luggage and bags surrounding me. His expression changed. "Rose, what is this?" he chuckled nervously. I smirked and scoffed, "You know, it's funny. We have been together for two years, but you throw it away for a newbie." I looked at him; my eyes started to water. "What did I do?" I asked as my voice started to break. His eyes changed to concern as he tried looking confused as if he didn't know what I was speaking about; of course, he was playing dumb. "Schatz, come on. You know I would do no such thing. I love you." he walked towards me, and before he got close, I pulled my knife out. He stopped in his tracks.

"Bullshit. You and Lilith seem to have a better connection. Private lessons? Are you serious könig? I did everything for you, EVERYTHING. Yet, you throw our relationship, our memories, away like nothing." tears started streaming down my face as my voice trembled with hurt. He looked down and stood quiet. I shook my head with disappointment, "I can't believe you." I lowered my knife, put it back in my holster, and sat on the bed. I covered my face with my palms, trying to take everything in again. My heart felt heavy, and it felt like I was being speared, trying to catch my breath.

König finally spoke after being quiet, "Rose, please. I'm sorry." without hesitation, I responded, "Get out." König looked at me as his eyebrows creased. "What? No. Rose, please, I was dumb, but please don't do this. I'll do everything I can to prove I love you. Please." he begged. I didn't want to hear anything he wanted to say. I didn't even want to be in the same room as him. "Get out. I don't want to see you anymore. We are done könig."

As soon as könig left with his stuff, I broke down again. We were over. I couldn't bear to see him anymore; it would hurt too much if I did. So, I decided to ask for a transfer and, hopefully, a raise. That's when I was advised to join Task Force 141, and I didn't think twice about leaving.

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