2: Totally Tubularrr!

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Two: Totally Tubularrr!


It's Halloween, Y/n looked outside her window when she woke up, staring at the red, orange, and brown leaves on the ground.

I love fall. She thought

She smiled, and put on her Ghostbusters costume, she was Dana Barrett, she wasn't her favorite character per se, but she wanted to find something to go with the ghostbusters theme.

She walked into the kitchen, to find her mom making breakfast. 

"Oh! You look so cute, Y/n." Her mom told her. "Let me take a picture."

"Okay..." Y/n agreed with a smile. 

After her mom taking a whole photos shoot, Y/n sat down for breakfast. When she finished, she looked at her watch, realizing what time it was. "Shit, I'm gonna be late. Love you mom!" She said, dashing out the front door. She hopped on her bike and rode off to school.


When Y/n finally made it to school, she saw her friends as she put her bike in the bike rack, and then ran over to greet them with huge smiles and hugs, as they all yelled their costumes names to each other, singing the Ghostbusters theme song.




"Wait, why are you Venkman?" Mike asked Lucas.

"Because I'm Venkman." Lucas responded, as if it was obvious.

"No I'm Venkman."

"Oh my- UGHH" Y/n groaned. "Always arguing about something!" She complained.

Y/n just started zoning out. She didn't want to listen to their pointless argument AGAIN. Instead, she was looking for Max. Completely oblivious to the fact that no one else was wearing costumes. Well, until Dustin pointed it out.

"Guys?" he started. "Guys!" he paused again. "Why is no one else wearing costumes?"

"Oh shit." Y/n muttered under her breath.


When they were walking down the halls, getting weird looks from the other kids, they were talking about the fact that no one dressed up.

"Everyone dressed up last year." Will said.

"It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you." Dustin claimed.

"Conspiracy???" Y/n repeated.

"Just be cool." he replied.

As they kept walking, they kept getting weird looks.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" some kid called out.


Then Y/n, Dustin, and Lucas decided they were going to talk to Max, since they saw her skating down the hall, stopping at her locker.

"Not right now, we look like morons." Lucas pointed out.

"Maybe she likes Ghostbusters." Dustin said.

"Of course she likes Ghostbusters." Lucas started.

"Everyone likes Ghostbusters." Y/n butted in.

"But that's not the point." Lucas continued.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now