9: C.L.O.S.E.G.A.T.E

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Nine: C.L.O.S.E.G.A.T.E


Hopper went back outside, bringing a walkie so he could send long and short beeping sounds through it. Lucas would find the letter on the Morse code sheet, and Nancy would write it down.

"Okay, got it! C!".

Nancy used the red crayon on yellow paper as Hopper previously did, except she wrote on the back.


She wrote an 'L' next to the 'C'.


She wrote 'O'.


Nancy wrote.


They had their first word; 'CLOSE'

"Close? What does that mean?" Y/n wondered.

"Maybe the Mind Flayer's close?" Max guessed, which sounded like a question.

"I don't know." Nancy told them.

More beeping came through the walkie.

"G!" Lucas began to translate again.






And finally, Lucas shouted another Letter.



They all read aloud once more.

"Close gate."

That's when the phone rang.

"Shit!" Y/n called out as Dustin rushed over to hang up the phone.

After a pause, it rang again.

Before anyone could hang it up this time, Nancy just tore the phone straight off the wall. The others all watched in shock.

Y/n's jaw fell agape, and her eyes widened. "Okay, um- badass."

"Thanks." Nancy gave a quick response with a small smile before Dustin spoke up.

"You don't think he heard that, do you?"

"It's just a phone." Steve drew everyone's attention to him. "It could be anywhere... right?"

The roaring from outside answered Steve better than anyone there could.

"With our luck, not likely." Nancy added.

Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, and Mike all rushed in, with Will in Hopper's arms. Hopper grabbed two guns and gestured one to Jonathan. "Do you know how to use this?"

Jonathan seemed even more panic after hearing this. "I uh- what?"

"Can you use this?!" Hopper rose his voice, getting more stern.

Nancy interrupted the two before Jonathan could stutter anymore.

"I can." 

More badass by the second.

Hopper tossed the gun to Nancy, not even surprised.

The group all formed a sort of protection circle. Y/n remembered the pocket knife she had, taking it out and gripping onto it for dear life. Max found Y/n's free hand and held it, Y/n squeezing the redhead's hand in attempt to comfort her. Lucas got in front of them and aimed his slingsho- sorry. His Wrist-rocket, Nancy and Hopper pointed their guns, and the others...well, I mean, they kinda just stood there.

The roaring from the young Demogorgons was replaced with pained screeches and whimpering.

"What the hell's happening out there?" Y/n spoke everyone's thoughts, still in a panic.

"I- I don't know." Nancy stammered.

They all screamed and jumped back, Max clenching Y/n's hand tighter when a young Demogorgon came crashing through the window, glass shattering all over the living floor.

"Oh shit!" Y/n yelled at the sudden noise.

When she made out what it was, her eyes widened, and she furrowed her brows in confusion. The Demogorgon... puppy? - Doesn't matter. Whatever you want to call a Demogoron that isn't fully grown. - lies on the ground, seemingly lifeless. They all slowly approach the maybe-dead creature.

"Is it... dead?" Max wondered.

Hopper nudged the body with his foot, and when it didn't move, they confirmed it was dead.

The were able to relax for a second, the breath that they hadn't realized they were even holding escaping as they all sighed in relief.

But the peace was short-lived when they heard the front door start to unlock. They all looked over to see the chain lock becoming undone, although no one even touched it.

Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion again as the bottom lock became undone as well. Hopper and Nancy were pointing their guns at the door, trying to prepare for anything that could have come through it.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing white shoes, cuffed jeans, and a black leather jacket.



Hey! Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to end it when Eleven showed up, you know? But I've been considering MULTIPLE outcomes for the Snow Ball chapter. Let me know what you guys think I should do. Ok thanks for reading! Stay safe, simp for Max.

640 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now