42: Vecna's Curse

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Forty-two: Vecna's Curse

After figuring out where to go, the group went out to find Rick Lipton. Y/n opened the door for her girlfriend and then moved to sit next to her, ending up in the middle. Dustin got in too, and soon, everyone was piled into Steve's car, leaving their bikes outside of Family Video and taking off.


Dustin rang the doorbell to the address they found, and was there was no response, Dustin repeatedly pressed the button.

"Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here," Steve concluded despite the only thing they tried doing was ringing the doorbell. Dustin wasn't giving up that fast, though. "Eddie!" He shouted, pounding on the door as Steve muttered. "It's Dustin! Look, we just wanna talk! Okay? No cops, I swear. We just wanna help," he promised, but there was still no response.

"Dustin, I don't think screaming 'there's no cops' is a good idea," Y/n told the boy, but he ignored her and kept yelling. "Eddie!" Dustin kept ringing the doorbell as he got hushed by Robin.

"Rick!" He yelled. "Reefer Rick!"

"Dustin!" Y/n yelled in a whisper. The boy looked at her. "What?" He asked exasperatedly. Y/n just gave him a look that said what she was going to tell him was obvious, but he didn't get it.

"Don't scream that," Steve said for Y/n.

Dustin kept yelling and knocking and Y/n threw her head back in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. She went to look at Max, assuming her girlfriend would have a similar expression, but the girl in question wandered off, focused on something in the distance. Y/n made her way over to the girl, walking to stand next to her. "You okay?"

"Look," the redhead gestured towards a boathouse and the two girls turned to look at each other before Y/n called the others. "Guys!" Everyone's attention went to Y/n, who beckoned towards the boathouse, and soon enough, everyone followed.

The door creaked as Robin opened it. "Hello? Is anyone home?" She asked, her flashlight wandering around the place as well as everyone else's did. The floorboards creaked with every step, exposing its old age. "What a dump," Steve commented.

Y/n whipped her head around at a sudden noise, turning to see Steve, using an oar to jab at a tarp covering the boat. "What are you doing?" Dustin asked in a whisper-yell, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"He might be in here," was all Steve said in response and Dustin looked at him like he was an idiot. "So take the tarp off!"

"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off," the older boy retorted. Y/n rolled her eyes. "I'll take the tarp off." But when she moved to take it off, Max spoke up and she turned her attention to the redhead. "Hey. Look over here." The girl had her light shining on a table with empty cans and wrappers. "Someone was here."

"Hopefully that and not a raccoon or something," Y/n shrugged, inspecting the wrappers with her girlfriend. "Maybe he heard us," Robin suggested. "Got spooked and ran." The three turned at Dustin voice. "Well, raccoon or not, don't worry, Steve will get it with his oar."

"Just take the tarp off, dude," Y/n said, shaking her head.

"I know you think you're being funny, Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, I don't find it funny in the slightest-" Steve was cut off by Eddie jumped from under the tarp, bringing a sharp piece of a broken bottle to his neck, and everyone jumped at the sudden noise and movement, Max and Y/n grasping each other's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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