6: Medium Well

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Six: Medium Well


That weekend, Y/n made the mistake of telling Lucas and Dustin what happened between her and Max.

She realized afterwards how bad of an idea it was, but in the moment she just needed someone to talk to, and she figured Mike wouldn't care.

So Y/n was spending her Saturday afternoon rehearsing her apology. She stood in front of the mirror, saying sorry to her reflection. "Max? I'm really sorry." She practiced before shutting it down. "Nope, sounds too fake. Max? I just wanted to apolo- no... too formal. I just wanted to say sorry about how I treated- no. About school the other day. I shouldn't have kept secrets. What? Yes, I should! She could die if I don't! I suck at this." She scolded herself.

She was about to continue, before hearing Dustin through her walkie talkie. "Y/n? Lucas? Code red, I repeat: This is a code red." Y/n groaned and rolled her eyes, upset that she was interrupted. She grabbed her walkie off her floor and plopped onto her bed.

"I need you guys to meet me at the junkyard. Stat. Dart's molted again, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon."

"I'm sorry- can you repeat that?" Y/n asked the boy, in shock.

"Just meet me here ASAP. Over and out." Dustin demanded.

Looks like my apology just went on hold. Y/n sighed, rolling her eyes before slumping out of bed and getting ready.

"I'll be home in a bit, Mom!" Y/n informed her mom as she started walking out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Dustin's got some pet and he thinks it's a Demogorgon." Y/n explains as she puts on her coat. She then opened the door, and left with an "I love you!" before her mom could respond. Y/n's mom knew about all the events that happened the previous year. She was there for some of it.

Y/n arrived to the junkyard to see Max, who was standing by Lucas.

"I said medium well!" Lucas shouted as he waved.

"Y/n! Lucas! Finally. Come here." Dustin dragged both Y/n and Lucas to behind an old, rusted car.

"You told her?!" Dustin whisper-yelled at Lucas.

Y/n's eyes widened.

"So what?"

"So what?"

"Lucas! You're going to get her killed!" Y/n scolded.

"You both wanted to tell her, too!"

He's not wrong.

"Yeah but we didn't, alright? We both agreed to not tell her, and to look for Dart." Dustin reminded the boy.

"Who you conveniently found." Lucas pointed out in response.

"Are you suggesting that I'm lying?"

"I'm saying you have a creepy little bond with him."

"Yeah, that was before he turned into a Demogorgon." Dustin defended.

"Lucas, You put the party at jeopardy!" Dustin scolded.

"You put Max at jeopardy!" Y/n added.

"And you haven't heard from Mike?" Lucas ignored the two's comments.

"No." Dustin explained.

"Or Will?"



"No!" Dustin raised his voice a bit. "No one is around. I could only get in touch with you and Y/n. Why do you think I'm with Steve Harrington? Something's-"

"Wrong." Lucas interrupted, finishing Dustin's sentence. "Which is why we need as much as help as we can get."

"I know but- I just think we put her in danger, and it was unnecessary." Y/n worried.

Before anyone could respond, they heard Max grunting. They all peeked from behind the old car to see Max, who was lifting a sheet of metal to use as a barricade for the bus door.

"She didn't believe me anyway." Lucas informed the two party members.

"You probably didn't tell it right." Dustin jokingly accused.

"That must be it." Y/n agreed, also jokingly.

"So we good?" Lucas asked, sticking both of his hands out for Y/n and Dustin to shake.

Y/n and Dustin looked at each other and shared a forgiving smile, and were going to shake Lucas's hand before Steve banged a rusty metal chair against the car, which caused all three kids to jump a little as they turned to face Steve.

"Hey! Dickheads! How come the only one helping me out is this random girl?"

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"We lose light in 40 minutes, let's go."

The trio got up and started following Steve.

"Let's go, I said!"

"Alright, asshole! God!"

"Okay! Stupid."

"We are! Shit!


Hey! Sorry this was short I just wanted to have something published, since I haven't in a while. I also wanted the big bus fight scene to be its own page and I have some really cute Y/n and Max moments for the next chapter! Thanks for reading :).

713 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now