29: Why Am I Last?!

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Twenty-nine: Why Am I Last?!


The Russians took Y/n to a Room, slamming her to the ground, the same way they had previously, doing the same with Robin as they both grunted.

"Rob!" Y/n beamed. Robin looked over at the girl at the sound, giving a small sigh of relief. "Y/n." Robin rushed over to her as best she could, as her arms were tied, too. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Robin hurriedly asked.

"No... No, I'm okay. Are you?"


Y/n shifted her gaze to Steve, who lie unconscious on the floor, looking like Billy had gone at him all over again. "Shit. Steve?" Y/n breathed out before crawling over to him. She went wide eyed when she realized how bad it really was. "Steve!" She shouted, shaking him as Robin followed close behind.

Robin was getting worried now, too. "Steve. Steve...? Steve?" She tried waking him before looking back at the Russians. "What did you do to him!?" She rose her voice through gritted teeth. "What did you do!?" Robin was answered by the Russian guard slapping her right across the face. "Robin!" Y/n called, rushing over to the older teenager, who had fell to the ground with a groan. "You okay?" She worriedly asked.

Before Robin could respond, The guards grabbed each person, tying them each to chair, and then tying those chairs together.

The guard started to speak in Robin's face as Y/n leaned as much as she could to see what was happening. "Your friend is going to need a doctor. Good thing we have the very best." He said before all three guards started laughing. Their laughter was cut off by Robin spitting right in one of the guards face, leading Y/n to let out a small gasp, following it with a bit of a snicker. The Russian man wiped the spit off with an exasperated expression on his face. "You are going to regret that, suka... And you..." He moved over to Y/n.

"Don't touch her." Robin warned.

"You are stubborn. Not for long." He told her. "You already said that, but thanks, suka." Y/n smirked as she imitated the words she kept hearing, knowing it was most likely an insult before spitting at his shoe, similar to Robin. "You should get that cleaned up." She added, using her head to beckon to his shoe that now had spit on it.

"Y/n, don't." Robin tried butting in.

The guard narrowed his eyes at Y/n. "Do you want to end up like your little friend there, American?" He asked, gesturing to Steve.

Y/n poked her cheek with her tongue as she glanced back at Steve for a moment, deciding to test the limits. "I mean, if the offer's there." She shrugged, the smirk reappearing.

"Y/n." Robin tried.

"You've got a big mouth, American. We'll see how long that lasts." The man told her before walking off.

"Let us out. Bastards! Bastards!" Robin shouted as they walked out.

"Aren't you gonna slap me across the face!?" Y/n shouted out just before the door closed, letting out a careless laugh afterwards as she threw her head back. "Fuck, we're never getting out of here."

"Hey, don't say that."

Y/n's head perked up. "It's true! I mean, at least I said goodbye." She shrugged, cocking a brow.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now