30: Dustin To The Rescue

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Thirty: Dustin To The Rescue


"Honestly, I don't really feel anything." Steve announced. "Do you guys?"

"I mean, I... I feel fine." Robin said. "I feel normal."

"Yeah, me too." Y/n agreed. "I feel peachy." She chuckled.

"Yeah, I feel- I feel fine." Steve told them. "I kinda feel good."

All three teenagers erupted into laughter.

"You wanna know a secret?" Robin asked.


"I like it too!" She replied to the boy, making them all laugh even harder. "Y/n?"

Y/n stayed silent for a moment before starting to laugh again. "Me too." She said, giggling as the words left her mouth. "I think they messed that thingy up."

"Morons, they messed up the drug!" Steve declared. "They messed it up!" Robin squealed, both of them laughing into their sentences.


"Hey, morons!"

"Yo, morons! You fucked somethin' up!"

Y/n's words sent them into harder laughter.

Robin took a deep breath in to talk again. "Oh no, there's definitely something wrong with us."

"Something's wrong."


Then the door opened. Y/n beamed. "Oh, hey morons!" She welcomed as the three guards along with 'Dr. Zharkov' came back in the room. Robin leaned back when they walked in front of her, dramatically widening her eyes causing Y/n to giggle a bit.

The one that was probably more of the leader walked in front of Steve, looking down at him without saying a word, as Dr. Zharkov starting to take things out of a bag.

Y/n lifted her head in confusion when she heard a sharp metal shing.

"Would now be a good time to tell you that I don't like doctors?" She heard Robin say before hearing the Russian in front of Steve speak up. "Let's try this again, yes?"

Steve gave a quiet hum in agreement.

"Who do you work for?"

"Oh my gosh!" Y/n groaned, dragging out the second 'O' and throwing her head back.

"Scoops." Steve chuckled, causing Robin and Y/n to laugh. "Scoops Ahoy."

"How did you find us?"

"Totally by accident." Steve lied.

The man said something in Russian to the doctor, who then- from what Y/n could hear -picked something up before walking over to Steve.

"What's that shiny little toy?" Steve joked, but still sounding nervous.

"Where you going with that, doc?" Robin piped up as the doctor made his way towards Steve.

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