16: Is That... Russian?

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Sixteen: Is That... Russian?


Y/n was walking up a hill, the beaming hot sun probably burning her entire body.

At least Max was walking next to her.

That part made it a little better.

Apparently, Dustin has a girlfriend. Y/n learned that her name is Suzie, she lives in Utah, and she was also the reason they were lugging heavy bags up the hill.

"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asked.

"Cerebro works besta at a hundred meters." Dustin explained.

Y/n had also learned that Dustin named this disassembled super-radio 'Cerebro'.

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Mike shared to the group, but mainly directing it at Dustin.

"Yeah, only Suzie's Mormon."

Lucas stopped in his tracks for a brief moment. "Oh, shit! She doesn't have electricity?"

"Oh that's the Amish." Max explained at the boys obliviousness.

"You're so clueless." Y/n insulted.

Max laughed at the comment, and Y/n got butterflies. Y/n got butterflies everytime she heard Max's laugh, it never failed.

Y/n was pulled out of her thoughts by Dustin talking about star-crossed lovers, a topic that was kind of familiar to Y/n.

"Hey, guys!" Mike's voice called from behind the group. Nobody realized they were straying away until now. "This was fun and all, but..."

Does he even know what's happening? Of course not. If he did, he would NOT be calling it fun.

"I have to go home." El told the bunch, while Mike tapped his watch.

"We're almost there!"

"Sorry, man. Curfew." Mike explained, but it was obvious they were lying.

The two started to make their way down the hill, hand in hand.

Dustin checked his watch. "Curfew at four?"

"They're lying." Lucas butted in.

"It's been like this all summer." Will added.

Max tried to keep a kind mind about it. "It's romantic."

Y/n was annoyed, but knew it was because Mike thought El was dead for a year, and is finally able to see her again, so she tried to go easy on them. "Yeah, it's sweet."

"It's gross."

"It's bullshit.

I just got home."


"Alright, you ready to meet my love?" Dustin asked when they finished setting up Cerebro.

"Okay, sure."



Y/n took her spot on the ground next to Max. "Mhm!"

He started speaking into the radio. "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."

After repeating those words a few times, Dustin starting defending. "She's there. It's around dinnertime... Here"

Dustin continued to say, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

It was dark now, and Max and Y/n lay next to each other on the grass, backs on the ground, admiring the stars.

Max eventually got fed up with hearing the words over, and over, and over again.

"Dustin, come on! She's not there."

"She's there, hold on!"

"Maybe she's not home."

"Or maybe, Suzie doesn't exist."

"She exists!"

Lucas decided to chime in again. "She's a genius, and she's hotter than Pheobe Cates? No girl is that perfect!" Lucas claimed, leading Max and Y/n shoot up.

"Is that so?"

"You sure? Because I'm positive Max is more than that perfect." Y/n defended.

"And so is Y/n." Max added.

Lucas tripped over his words. "I mean- you two are perfect. In your spec- your own special way."

Max giggled, again, giving
Y/n butterflies.

"Relax, I was teasing. I'm obviously perfect, and Dustin's obviously lying! C'mon Don Juan."

Max reached a hand for Y/n to grab. The redhead pulled her up.

"Max, can we just stay a little longer?" Y/n asked the girl. "Please?"

Max glanced at Lucas, who had convinced Will to walk home with him, and were already walking down the hill. "Fine."

Max and Y/n lied back down together, and they continued to observe the stars with Y/n, their fingers interlocked.

Suzie didn't come through the radio, but another voice. A man.

Dustin heard the static and rushed to the source. "Suzie!?"

The voice continued in a language that despite not understanding, they all knew what it was. Y/n spoke up, saying everyone's thoughts.

"Is that... Russian?"


the next chapter is gonna be filled with the CUTEST Y/n and Max moments. (For the touch starved ones in the back)

725 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now