8: Getting The Band Back Together

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Eight: Getting The Band Back Together


The five walked through the woods, following train tracks in the dark. The three boys walked together as Max and Y/n trailed behind. They heard Lucas and Dustin arguing, but ignored it.

"This is how everyone dies in a horror movie." Max sparked conversation. Y/n furrowed her brows, then looked to her left to look at the redhead. Max looked back, and Y/n had to refrain herself from getting lost in Max's ocean blue eyes. The two were both blushing, this being because their hands were joined as they walked. Unbeknownst to Y/n, Max was trying not to get lost in Y/n's eyes, as well.

"Walking in the woods when it's dark out." Max explained, it sounding more like a question. Y/n smiled and nodded, looking back at her feet.

"I wanted to tell you, y'know." Y/n informed the girl. The duo looked back at one another. "About... everything. The gate, El, the Upside Down..." she continued. "I just wanted to keep you safe."

"No, I get it. It's okay." Max forgave. "I mean, if I knew about alternate dimensions and monsters, then I probably wouldn't tell anyone that didn't already know, either."

The girls smiled at one another, making eye contact once again. The smiles slowly faded, as they were both losing themselves in the other's features. Max's gaze into Y/n's eyes shifted to her lips for a split second, then back up at her eyes. Y/n repeated the small movement. 

That's when they heard more roars in the distance.

They all paused for a second, trying to figure out where it was coming from.

"The lab." Y/n realized, grabbing everyone's attention. They all began walking off-trail, following the sound.

"No, guys! Why are you walking towards the sound!?" Max questioned. Y/n giggled and turned around, grabbing Max's hand to take her with them.


The group walked through the woods, the leaves crunching under them with every step.

"Who's there?" A voice asked, which was familiar to everyone but Max.

Y/n's face lit up when she realized who it was. She sped up to get out of the bushes faster, but not running. She didn't want to startle anyone. Once she made it out, she paused, looking to make sure it was who she had in mind, and sure enough, it was.

"Nancy!" Y/n exclaimed, running to the eldest Wheeler to wrap her in a hug.

Nancy was like a sister to Y/n. Ever since Mike and Y/n became friends - which was longer than the girl could remember - she was close with Nancy.

Nancy hugged Y/n back, relieved to see the girl.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nancy asked, aimed at anyone that wasn't herself or Jonathan.

"What are you doing here?" Steve repeated back, hoping for a response from either Nancy or Jonathan. 

"We're looking for Will and Mike." Nancy explained.

"They're not in there, are they?" Dustin tried to confirm.

"We're not sure... why?" Jonathan wondered.

A screech echoed throughout the lab, answering Jonathan's question for him.

"We need to get them out of there." Y/n stated the obvious, rushing into the booth to frantically press buttons, hoping one would work. She was trying her best to hide it, but she was worried sick.

Literally, she felt like puking.

After a short while of arguing and pounding on random buttons, the gate opened. "Shit, finally." Y/n cursed. She was about to go inside, but she heard a car approaching.



After catching up and holding hands, (followed by blushing...) they were all back at the Byer's. "All" meaning Joyce, Hopper, Max, Y/n, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Steve, Jonathan, Nancy, and an unconscious Will. They had formed a plan that they were going to tie Will up in a shed, - which would be covered up by newspaper and whatnot beforehand so he wouldn't be aware of his surroundings - and try to talk to him.

At the moment, everyone but Jonathan, Mike, Hopper, Will, and Joyce were inside.

Max and Y/n sat next to one another, backs leaning up against the wall. After a bit of silence, Max asked a question. "If he finds out where he is, will he send those dogs after us?"

"Don't worry, he won't find out." Y/n assures.

"Yeah, but... if he does."

"Then we're gonna be pretty screwed." Y/n says, getting a nod from Max.

Hopper bursts into the house again before writing something down.

"I think he's talking, just not with words." He explains. "H. E. R. E." Everyone looks at what he had written.

"Here." They all read aloud.

"He's still in there." Hopper concludes. 

"He's talking to us."


Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, the device I used for writing broke, but problem solved! I'm not sure what's going to happen with Max and Y/n at the Snow Ball yet. I have a few ideas, I just don't know which to pick. Comment suggestions if you want!

792 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now