14: Movies

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Fourteen: Movies


It had been 6 months since the Snow Ball.

Y/n finally just got to be a normal teenager. Hawkins had opened up a mall, which Y/n went to pretty much on a daily basis to see Steve, who now worked at an ice cream parlor in the mall called 'Scoops Ahoy'.

Steve working there had perks, one being sneaking the party into movies, or getting discounts on if not free ice cream. Steve worked with a girl probably around his age, whose name was Robin. This girl alsoo happened to be really pretty in Y/n's opinion.

There were still only five people who knew about Y/n. Those people being Joyce, Hopper, Will, Steve, and Y/n's Mom.

She didn't want to keep it that way, she wanted to tell the whole group, especially Max, who we'll get to in a second.

Y/n also had to come to terms with that fact that she loved Max Mayfield.

I mean, Max wouldn't love her, she can't. Y/n knows that. But she can't choose who she loves.

Max, however...

Did in fact love Y/n Y/l/n. But she could never tell her that, of course. If Y/n found out, she'd hate her. It's bad enough she can't be more then friends with Y/n, the last thing she could ever want was for the girl to hate her.

She started dating Lucas because she wanted to distract her feelings for Y/n. How was she supposed to reject him, anyway? Especially for a girl she couldn't have.


The friend group was waiting outside of the Mall for Mike. They were supposed to go to the movies together again, but Mike is almost 10 minutes late.

Y/n spoke up. "Okay, if he's not here soon, I'm just gonna go without him. You guys wanna come, or wait for him?"

Just as she said that, Mike arrived on his bike, hopping off and parking it next to the other's bikes.

"You're late." Lucas pointed out. "Again."

"We're gonna miss the opening!" Will complained.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Come on!"

"If you guys keep whining about it, nyah nyah nyah. Let me guess: you were busy." Lucas teased, making kissing noises.

"Yeah, real mature, Lucas."

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never talk to any of our friends!" Lucas continued.

"Lucas, stop." Max butted in as she linked arms with Lucas. Y/n swallowed the mix of sadness and anger that she felt whenever she was reminded about Max and Lucas dating.

"Will thinks it's funny." Lucas pointed out.

"'Cause it is."

"Yeah, it's so funny that I wanna spend romantic time with my girlfriend."

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas added, putting us arm around Max's shoulders.

Y/n glanced at Will, who looked back at her with an apologetic face. Y/n just turned her face down and stared at her shoes as she walked.

What would've happened if Lucas never interrupted? Would that be me?

Max's voice pulled Y/n out of her thoughts.

"Oh, now that was mature." Max scolded Lucas.

They made their way into Scoops Ahoy, finding Robin working at the counter. Mike repeatedly rang the bell until Robin called out, "Hey, Dingus! Your children are here!"

Y/n noticed Max's arm had unlinked from Lucas's, so she took the opportunity to join their hands behind the counter.

Steve slid the back window open. "Really, guys? Again?"

No one answered, Mike just rang the bell again.

"C'mon. Hey, Y/n." He greeted as he beckoned the group in through the back alley way, which led to all the rooms, restaurants, etc. in the mall. He noticed the two girls's hands as they walked through the door

"I swear, if anyone hears about this-"

"-We're dead." They all finished for the boy, having heard it a million times.

They walked down the hallway before Mike stopped them at a door. He peeked through, then informed them it was clear. They made it into the theater and found three seats next to each other. Y/n sat in the middle, which made Max smile at the fact that she got to sit next to the girl.

Max was on Y/n's left, and Lucas on Y/n's right, and Will and Mike were in the seats right behind them.

"See? We made it." Mike pointed out.

"We missed the previews." Lucas complained.

"Like anyone like previews." Y/n muttered.

"Still made it." Max leaned over Y/n to look at Lucas. "Fart face." She teased with a smile.

They all got comfortable after passing around snacks, and Max was peacefully eating Skittles while she rested her head on Y/n's shoulder.

The two girls have had sleepovers and seen each other so much, cuddling was never really weird, it was platonic.

Just when the movie began, the power went out. Everyone in the theater groaned and complained until the power came back on and the whines turned into cheers.

It didn't seem like a big deal.

Just a power outage.



Hey dawgs! I'm trying to update more. Winter break is coming up soon, so I can write a LOT more. Double updates???

Anyway I have so much planned for Y/n and Max :)

okay toodles.

900 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now