18: Stupid Boys

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Eighteen: Stupid Boys


It was 8:00 a.m, and Max decided it was finally time to wake Y/n up. She stared at the sleeping Y/n for a moment, noticing how peaceful she looked.

She's so pretty.

She brought her head back to what she was previously thinking about, and awoke the other girl. "Y/n! Come on, get up, time to skateboard." She rushed, pouncing on the bed next to Y/n.

"Max," Y/n said groggily, squinting at the light. "What time is it?"

"Time to skateboard! Come on, I've been waiting for half an hour, get up already."

"Can I at least wake up?"

Max took a moment before responding. While Y/n s at up, the redhead took a new outfit out of her drawer and tossed it to Y/n. "Two minutes."

Y/n got up and walked over to the bathroom. She changed, splashed water on her face, rinsed her mouth out -since there wasn't a spare toothbrush...- and brushed her hair as fast as possible. After a moment, Max starting knocking on the door. "It's been two minutes!"

Y/n opened the door, still running the hairbrush through her hair.

Max smiled when they other girl opened the door, and grabbed Y/n's hand. "Come on!"

Y/n tossed the hairbrush into Max's bed as Max ran out of her room, taking Y/n with her.

Before Y/n exited the house, she grabbed her red Converse and threw socks on before putting them on, too, while Max grabbed her skateboard.

Max grabbed Y/n's hand and continued to rush her outside.

"Okay, here." Max started as she set the board onto the street in front of her house.

"I already know like, the basics." Y/n informed Max.

"Okay, you wanna try a trick then?"

"I can try."

"Okay, here. Step on."

Y/n put her right foot on the upper part of the board, and her left foot under it. She turned her feet sideways and when she wobbled a bit, Max held her waist to help her balance. Both girls could feel their faces heat up at the contact, trying to ignore it.

"Alright, now move your weight to your back foot, and try to put a bit of a jump into it." Max instructed.

Y/n tried to do what Max had told her, but fell backwards in the process. Her back slammed against the ground with a thud and pain shot up her back.

Max hurried to help the girl up. "Shit! Are you okay?!"

Y/n sat up with the help of Max. "Yeah, I'm fine."

The two looked in front of them to see the skateboard that was rolling away was now in the hands of a girl.



"And then he said he missed me... And then he just hung up." El told them as she explained what Mike had done.

Max didn't hesitate. "He's a piece of shit."


"Mike doesn't have jackshit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick." Max told the girl.

"Him and Lucas are probably playing Atari right now." Y/n added.

"But- friends don't lie." El pointed out.

"Yeah, well- boyfriends lie. All. The. Time." Max emphasized.

"I bet girlfriends don't." Y/n muttered under her breath, quiet enough to where nobody could hear her. Thankfully.

"You're gonna stop calling him. You're gonna ignore his calls." Max instructed. "As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist!"

"Doesn't exist?"

"He treated you like garbage! You're gonna treat him like garbage." Max continued.

"Give him a taste of his own medicine." Y/n butted in again.

"Give him the medicine." El said, probably not really understanding what it meant.

"Mhm." Max nodded. "And if he doesn't stop,"

"If he doesn't explain himself..." Y/n continued for Max.

"Dump his ass." The redhead finished.

Y/n grinned before Max took El's hand. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" El questioned.

"To have some fun! There's more to life than stupid boys, y'know."

Yeah, stupid girls. And really smart redheaded girls.


sorry I took so long to post :/
I might upload again today though, so Yay :).

700 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now