The Three

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I would like to say this before we start, the three companions ARE NOT like Wukong, DBK, Azure etc. They are actually the animals and not some type of demon or celestial entity based on the animal.

Also, changed my mind. Blue is sorta associated with the bad guys too much to be used for a good person.



Taro stared at the silvery white furred dog in shock before he rush to the fallen animal in horror. He quickly checked if the dog was still alive and thankfully, it was still breathing.

The peach boy sighed in relief before he anxiously thought of a way to save the injured dog. "If I was still a tree I could've given it a peach- no, I wouldn't have had arms." Muttered Taro in a panic before he had an epiphany. "Wait- peaches! I-i'm still kinda a tree."

Taro quickly grabbed a lock of his long peach colored hair and used his sword to cut it off. Taro stared at the lock of hair intently, hoping it would magically turn into a peach of immortality and by some did.

"Peach!" Exclaimed Taro happily before he stuffed the peach into the dying dog's mouth. The effects were immediate as the injuries of the dog quickly healed which made Taro sigh in relief.

The dog eyes soon started to open as it started to wake up. The dog stared at its savior with widened eyes before opening it's mouth and trying to bite Taro, but the peach boy managed to jump back just in time. The bite was strong enough to cause a shockwave that made Taro fear for his safety.

The peach boy quickly tried to run away, but the dog was faster and leaped onto the boy with a rabid bark. Taro was barely fast enough to turn around and hold his sword horizontally before the dog bit down the sword, pinning the boy to the ground.

"Who are you?!" The dog asked angrily. "Answer me!"

Taro paused in shock. "You can talk?!" He asked in confusion.

"You understand me?" Asked the dog in shock before promptly trying to bite Taro once more. "Who are you?!"

"I saved your life!" Exclaimed Taro in a panic to save himself. "You were dying and I helped!"

Hearing this, the dog finally stopped trying to kill Taro and calmed down. The peach boy sighed in relief for the third time before he noticed the dog looked very angry about something. He then remembered what happened a few seconds ago. He could understand the dog and the dog could understand him.

Was it the peach or him being a tree spirit that allowed for this, he didn't know; but it allowed for a conversation.

"Uhh, who attacked you back then?" Taro asked in concern as he stood up.

"Demon." Replied the dog angrily with a bark.

Taro's eyes widened in surprise . "You mean the one up north? I'm supposed to go fight them." He said calmly.

"How will you do that? You're so tiny." Deadpanned the dog.

Taro frowned. "Thanks for the encouragement, but people depend on me to do it." He said rolling his eyes unamused. "Now if you would excuse me, I have a demon to fight."

The dog watched as Taro walked away with a conflicted expression before he barked. "Wait- I'll join you! A tiny one like you can't defeat a demon alone." He said as he jumped towards Taro. "And I do feel oddly powerful after I ate that tasty thing."

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