The River

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MK gets to regret something that happens in this chap later. So buckle up, this'll be one for the angst. Especially at the end.

Also, if you see the nicknames "Tao" or "Ru" they come from Taro's Chinese name Taoru.


On Sandy's boat.

"And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on..." The news reporter on tv said.

"These news really put your heart at ease, right; Taro?" Asked Zuzu with a mischievous grin as he hugged the back of Taro's head who was sitting on the arm of a couch, leaning his head onto his fist.

It's been a while since Taro determined that he would have to fight his little brother to end the monkey king and the peach boy wasn't the same since. He was a lot...grumpier. He turned to MK playing with his staff and sighed.

"And I was like, "Stop there, Demon Bull King." And D.B.K.'s all like, "You can't stop me! I'm cwazy!" And then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech!"

As MK spoke, Taro could feel more and more irked and it was clear on his face. Suddenly, Taro felt gazes land on him as he realized that the whole area was silent.

"Kid? You've been lookin' a little grim ever since we got here. What's gotten into you?" Asked Pigsy worriedly raising a brow. "I thought you'd be as excited as MK."

"Yeah." Added Tang raising a brow as he held a bowl of noodles. "You even brought your monkey pet."

Taro paused with a frown, upset that Zuzu was called a pet before chuckling awkwardly. "I'm just worried, y'know?" He said avoiding eye contact with a weak smile. "About all the danger and everything."

Without warning, MK pulled Taro for a side hug with a big smile. "Don't worry, big bro! Your little bro will protect you! You don't have to worry about a thing with me around!" He said confidently.

Zuzu giggled, prompting Taro roll his eyes. "I'm worried about YOU, MK." He said in a serious, almost disappointed tone.

"You gotta stop worrying so much." Replied MK nonchalantly with a bright smile. "I'm invincible, remember?"

Hearing this, Zuzu smiled mischievously before telekinetically holding MK's leg and pulling it swiftly. MK promptly fell onto his back in a comical way that Taro couldn't help but snort at. The peach boy didn't laugh for long before he quickly picked MK off the ground and set him on his feet.

"MK, as your older brother figure;" Said Taro pulling out a series of images of him and MK together throughout the years from his pocket to show the Monkie Kid before quickly putting it back where it was before. "It is my duty help you not become a washed up loser who and to do that you need practice and- are you even listening?" He asked as he noticed MK standing proudly as Mei aimed a rocket launcher at him.

MK suddenly turned around as a rocket exploded harmlessly in his face. "What was that?" He asked innocently.

"Y'know what? Nevermind. I guess you don't care about your big bros's advice." Said Taro trying to make MK feel guilty. "Just go to that stupid Monkey King and get your advice."

"Kid, he ain't listenin'." Deadpanned Pigsy, causing Taro to turn to MK boasting about his invincibility again.

The peach boy quickly turned away from MK and crossed his arms with a pout. It would be a lie to say Taro wasn't hurt seeing MK ignore him. Mostly because he knew the kid would probably listen to the person he hated the most and not him.

The Peach SpiritTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon