The Cold

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The list of successors and predecessors for fun.

The Monk: Tang

Sha Wujin: Sandy

Zhu Bajie: Pigsy

Ao Lie: Mei

Sun Wukong: MK

Macaque: MK

DBK: Red Son

Yellow Tusk: Zao & Zuzu

Peng: Zi

Azure: Taro

Everyone who's been in a team with Wukong, including Wukong himself, has a successor now.

Also, reminder that Taro is currently not wearing a hat.


In the middle of a clearing surrounded by trees and next to a river, the three Z's sat down and rested next to the river sword digging into the dirt as Taro was doing some weird moves.

"What are you doing?" Asked Zuzu raising a brow with a hand on his chin as he observed his companion's actions with his companions as he telekinetically held the peach boy's jacket in his hand.

Taro, who was stretching his arm behind his back awkwardly and wasn't wearing his jacket over his black long sleeved undershirt and was wearing his orange scarf as a belt turned to his companion and spoke. "Yoga." He answered calmly. "My mom used to do it a lot. She said it helped her relax. But I think I'm not very good at-" Suddenly, everyone heard a snap and their expressions turned to ones of worry as Taro sweat dropped. "I think I broke something."

Taro slowly got on the ground and laid on his back carefully before sighing. His companions eagerly joined him with Zao laying his head in Taro's lap, Zi sitting on top of Zao's body and Zuzu sitting on the ground next to Taro. The bronze furred monkey fidgeted with his hands before speaking. "So this is where we we're gonna live until we reach inner peach- I mean inner peace?"

"Pretty much." Replied Taro with a dejected shrug as he and his friends basked in the sun. "I told Bam-Bam we're going camping for a while. A very long while." The three Z's all looked saddened at Taro's state. Aside from the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves and grass, the area became silent as the atmosphere among the four friends became gloomy. It wasn't until Zi realized something that the silence was broken.

"Hold on- are we going back to travelling all the time?" Asked the golden pheasant in shock and worry. "Back where we had to sleep in trees and on dirt?" Zi's body began to shake anxiously as his expression became pale as if he was about to pass out. "Without my thesaurus?!" Suddenly, Zi's face was met with a book with more pages than one could count. Zi let the book harmlessly bounce off of his body before noticing what the book was. "MY THESAURUS!" He exclaimed before happily hugging his favorite book.

"You're welcome." Said Zuzu crossing his arms with a smile. "I brought most of our stuff in a subspace storage made using mystic arts." He continued proudly before he noticed that everyone was giving him surprised looks. "Oh, yeah. I have a list of secret spells that I use to cause secret mischief. You know how it is." He said nonchalantly with a smile as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Taro rolled his eyes at his friend's antics before turning to Zi with a weak and forced smile. "We're not traveling again. We're gonna camp. We'll build our own house and get our own food and Zao could hunt his food like he always wanted." The peach boy declared with forced cheer. "We'll learn how to cook and make Zi's favorite cuisine and do lots of stuff. It'll be great!"

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