The Treasure

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Fun fact, Zuzu is based on the golden snub nosed monkey. He's just reddish copper as to not have the same fur color as Wukong while still maintaining the gold silver bronze theme of the three companions. The blue skin remains however.



The next day.

Taro, sleeping in his bed was breathing heavily as he writhed around desperately in a panic. Suddenly, Taro sprung up panting in fear and his eyes opened wide.

"Phew, just a dream." Muttered Taro with a sigh of relief.

"What kind of dream was it?" Asked Zuzu cheerfully from atop Taro's head, scaring the boy.

"Well; since I'm sure you're all dying to know, I was dreaming of me gallantly storming through hordes of vile demons with my brilliant golden wings!" Zi cut in proudly only for a piece of cloth to magically wrap around his beak, causing him to freak out.

Zuzu, the culprit in this situation, giggled as Zao pretended to sleep before the monkey turned to Taro. "So, what was that dream about?" He asked cheerfully.

"I dreamt that I was back home and that celestial guy was my school's principal...and every teacher." Replied Taro with a deep frown. "...and my mom for some reason."

Everyone shivered at the horrifying thoughts Taro's dream gave them as the peach boy slowly made it off his bed and out of his room. The three Z's followed him diligently as he walked around camel ridge until they found Azure and his brothers training.

Azure quickly noticed the boy and greeted him with a smile. "Taro! You're up early." He said cheerfully.

"I had a weird dream." Deadpanned Taro. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Why; training, of course." Replied Azure cheerfully as he turned to his brothers training with a smile. "We have to stay sharp, after all."

Taro's eyes shined in awe of the training Peng and Yellow Tusk were doing. The graceful moves and the magical attacks were a sight to behold. But this got Taro thinking. He turned to Azure and curiously asked.

"Hey, if I train like that can i get strong enough to take on that celestial guy?" He asked with a determined expression.

Azure was confused for a second. "Celestial guy?...ah! You must mean Nezha, The Lotus prince." He quickly said in realization. "Uhm, he...might be a bit much for a human."

Taro expression became disheartened quickly before he realized something. "I'm not human!" The peach boy exclaimed quickly before he rushed to a nearby boulder and lifted it with ease. "Can a human do this?"

Azure blinked in surprise. "Oh." He said in astonishment.

"Then what are you?" Asked Peng as they landed behind Taro from nowhere, scaring the boy.

Taro let out a nervous chuckle as he slowly stepped away from Peng only to bump into Yellow Tusk whose towering figure only fueled the boy's unease.

"And you still haven't answered why the lotus prince was after you." Added Yellow Tusk calmly, which was terrifying from the height of a toddler.

"Brothers, stop. You're scaring the boy." Azure cut in with a serious expression as he stood in front of the boy. "I'm sure young Taro here will explain everything when he's more at ease. So for now, let's get back to Taro's training. We can't always protect him and we have the time, so why not mentor him during his stay at Camel Ridge."

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