The Mirrored

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Aside from Taro's peaches, here are the four's favorite foods.

Zi: tea leaves with vegetable puree. Presentation matters a lot so it also has to look fancy.

Zao: livers. Doesn't matter from what.

Zuzu: any sweet food. His diet is closely monitored as to stop him from eating too much sugar even though he's immune to any dangers of too much sugar.

Taro: noodles. His mom used to make them so they remind him of home. He cries on the inside whenever he eats them.


Darkness. That was all Taro could see for miles. It was cold and dark without a single soul in sight. "Hello! Anybody there?" Taro called out anxiously hoping for any reply in the seemingly endless void. "Zao? Zuzu? Zi? Anyone?" The peach boy was met with no reply as his anxiety grew.

Suddenly, a ray of light sliced through the darkness in front of Taro's eyes, hurting them a bit. The peach boy almost jumped in joy before he heard a familiar voice "How could you do that?! We trusted you!" It was Mei's voice and it sounded angry. The dragon girl walked out of the darkness into the newfound light with a hateful look directed at Taro. "How could you attack the Monkey King like that?! He's a hero!"

Taro flinched before he took a step back as another voice made itself known. "I thought of you like a son! Turns out you're just another demon punk!" This time it was Pigsy and he was just as angry as Mei if not angrier before Tang and Sandy both entered the scene. The four figures surrounded him, glaring at him hatefully, causing the peach boy to grit his teeth before one more figure approached him. MK, The Monkie Kid. He was crying while holding his staff aimed at the peach boy, ready to fight.

Tears welled up in the peach boy's eyes. He tried to say something, anything. To explain himself. To explain what the monkey king did. But no sound came out of his mouth. The peach boy's voice was as silent as the void that surrounded the area. He couldn't utter a single feeble word. Suddenly, six more figures appeared. The tree spirits. They looked down on the peach boy with disapproving gazes.

The peach boy grit his teeth as he glared back at everyone who seemed to turn their backs on him with glowing pink eyes ready to fight. Then THEY appeared. Two familiar figures in the distance watching him from the darkness with clear disappointment. The peach boy's eyes widened in shock before he desperately tried to speak. To say them. But nothing came out before the darkness started pulling the boy in. With two waterfalls of tears overflowing from his eyes the boy struggled as hard as he could against the darkness and multitude of hate filled gazes that fell upon him to reach the two figures. But it wasn't enough and the darkness consumed him.

And then, the peach boy woke up.


"MOM!" Yelled the peach boy desperately, unintentionally unleashing a wave of energy that cracked the grassy earth around him. But the boy couldn't see anything despite his eyes being wide open and in a panic, his power went out of control, unleashing waves of energy left and right destroying everything around the boy. Suddenly, the boy saw something. He saw himself in a crater surrounded Zao and Zuzu as well as his sword before a glowing mystical circle formed under his feet. A circle that Taro could feel was stabilizing his powers.

The peach boy panted as he calmed down before he heard Zuzu's relieved voice. "Phew, you finally woke up." He said tiredly before flopping onto the cracked ground. "I thought we'd be found by someone before you calmed down." Zao whimpered anxiously as he nudged Taro's side as if wordlessly asking the boy if he was okay.

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