The Ogres

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Fun fact, Zi is based on the Chinese golden pheasant which is a real bird, also known as the rainbow pheasant. It also means that Zi has gold feathers on places other than his wings too.



"This is it, guys. The demon's cave." Said Taro anxiously as he stood in front of a cave's entrance with his friends before taking a deep breath. "Whatever happens in there, I wanna saw that I'm glad I'm friends with you guys. Not a lot of people would fight a demon for someone."

Zao narrowed his eyes as Zuzu gave a thumbs up while Zi let out a hearty chuckle. "Of course! Someone as noble and beautiful as i would never let a friend down." Zi said cheerfully, earning weird looks from Zao and Zuzu.

Taro smiled at the sentiment before turning to the cave with shaking knees and gulping. He was terrified. He had a seemingly magic sword and three friends, but was that enough? It was time to find out.

The four stepped forwards into the cave and were met face to face with a large figure with horns. The demon.

"What is this?" Asked the demon with a grin. "A little boy and his little friends playing hero?"

"Hear us, you vile demon!" Exclaimed Zi dramatically. "We are a group of great heroes here to bring you down! I, Zihao the great, beautiful and handsome golden crest pheasant with my majestic golden wings will handsomely see that it happens!"

The demon went silent. But it wasn't out of fear or anger. "Why's there a chicken crowing at me?" He said utterly confused as he could only heard bird noises from Zi. "Whatever, I'll just-"

Without letting the demon finish his sentence, Zao charged in and headbutted the demon in the stomach launching the vile creature into a wall with a rabid growl. Taro, Zi and Zuzu saw this and went silent in shock.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Asked Zi in shock at Zao's maniacal behavior. "We were supposed to have an epic and noble battle and everything!"

Zi turned to Taro to see what he felt about this situation only to find him missing. He looked around only to find Taro already attacking the demon with his sword as Zao helped him beat the demon down.

"B-b-but our epic battle that was to be recorded in history as one of the most climactic and beautiful!" Muttered Zi sorrowfully as he stared at his golden wings.

"Eh maybe next time, Zi." Shrugged Zuzu before he started pelting the demon with stones moving at almost the speeds of bullets. "Save me his teeth!"

Seeing all his friends already fighting the demon, Zi sighed before dragging his body into the fight grumpily. He slapped the demon around with his golden wings.

Eventually, the demon simply couldn't take it anymore. "I surrender! I surrender!" He yelled in a panic as he pinned his head the ground. "Please have mercy!"

Taro paused upon seeing this and so did his friends as they waited for his reaction. "Don't stop! He deserves it!" He exclaimed in a serious tone which caused the demon to scream in fear. The demon quickly got up and ran away as fast as possible far far away from the village silently swearing never to return.

Taro and co stared at the back of the demon in shock as it shrunk in the distance. They hadn't expected things to be so anticlimactic.

"That was easy." Said Zuzu with a happy smile as he climbed onto Taro's shoulder. "I kinda expected there to be more."

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