The Flames

441 21 7

Sorry for the hiatus, I wanted a break



"Peach Boy? What are YOU doing here?" Asked Red Son in shock as he stared at Taro standing in the middle of his home with his sword unsheathed.

Taro blinked in confusion before his eyes darted around looking for something only to see lava rivers and bull shaped decorations. " no no!" Dark aura shot out of the river blade as a grim expression made it's way onto the peach boy's face, causing Red Son to jump back warily. "I'm gonna skewer that-" Before Taro could finish his sentence, a rock smacked his forehead at full force. The peach boy turned to the direction the rock came from to see Red Son wearing a deep frown. "H-HEY! What was that for?!"

"To calm you down! I can't have you using that THING in this place!" Exclaimed Red Son in an angry tone, unleashing a huff of flames behind him before sighing. "What happened? And where are your little animal friends?" Taro's expression visibly darkened as he clenched his teeth and his fists. Red Son stared at the Peach Boy silently before crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "Come along."

The peach boy paused upon seeing Red Son gesture for him to follow. He stared at the back of Red Son with a serious expression as memories of his fight with Mei flashed into his mind. Not long after, the peach boy donned a determined expression as he took a deep breath as if preparing himself.

And so, Taro followed Red Son into the home of the Demon Bull Family.


In the eastern dragon palace's prison cell, in the dingiest and darkest corner there layed a silver furred dog on his side. The dog's now messy fur had lost its luster and brightness had faded from his wet eyes. Kuangzao, the manic silver dog had lost himself.

The memories of his failure, the mistake which endangered his companions flashed within his mind, causing the dog to slam his head into a wall trying to shake the memory out, cracking the wall in the process.

"Should we do something about that?" Asked a guard worriedly as he glanced at Zao's accidental show of strength.

A second guard stared at the wall with a worried expression. "Let the new prisoners deal with it." He said before he and his colleague threw a few familiar figures into the cell. It was none other than the Monkie crew minus Mei and Sandy.

"My mother was right! Associate with the wrong people and see where you end up!" Exclaimed Tang as dramatic tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls.

Zao growled tiredly at the loud noise that suddenly filled his pit of misery, causing everyone to turn to his location. "Huh? Doesn't that sad looking dog look kinda familiar?" Asked Monkey King with a hand on his chin as he eyed the dog intently. The dog suddenly sprung up with violent eyes directed at the monkey king with a mad growl before flopping back onto his side.

MK, the Monkie Kid, suddenly sprung up in front of Wukong and spoke. "HOLD ON A MINUTE! Silver fur? Hates Monkey King? Anger prone?! *Gasp* THAT'S ZAO!" He exclaimed in realization and shock, causing Zao to flinch.

"Kid, that's impossible. I've had to take care of that dog once and let me tell ya, he ain't the type to go down like this!" Replied Pigsy in a serious tone, causing the dog to whimper.

"Yeah, MK. This guy's too miserable." Added Tang bluntly, causing the dog to whimper once more. "I mean, does this sad lump of failed hopes and dreams look anything like that crazy dog? It looks more like wet cardboard."

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