The Hero

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I've had some irl issues while writing this so it might be a lil rushed.



The Demon Bull King, a powerful demon set on conquering the mortal realm. When he attacked, no one could stand in his way. No one could stop him, until the monkey king appeared. He defeated the Demon Bull King and sealed him under a mountain using his staff that no other being could wield.

"Yeah, I don't see the appeal of this guy." Said Taro, wearing an azure blue jacket with a black tree drawing on the back; half zipped-up over a black undershirt, black pants and azure blue boots as well as an orangish yellow scarf and cap over his pink hair, with a frown as he crossed his arms.

"What?! B-b-but! He's, like, the coolest person ever!" Exclaimed MK in shock before donning a betrayed expression. "And I thought of you as my brother!"

Inside of Pigsy's noodle shop, MK, Taro and Tang sat in front of the counter chatting about the legendary monkey king himself, Sun Wukong.

"Doesn't mean I have to like him." Deadpanned Taro rolling his eyes with his arms crossed. "He's just a monkey with a big stick."

MK gasped in shock. "You take that back!" He exclaimed with a serious expression.

"Hmm," Replied Taro putting a hand on his chin before shrugging nonchalantly. "no."

"Maybe this will change your mind." Said MK cheerfully as he pulled out a notebook filled with drawings. "I got his whole life documented extensively in this unauthorized autobiography of Monkey King. Written and illustrated by yours truly. Like I knew he was born from a stone, and live behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkey friends! And- and-"

"Ah, pearls of wisdom dripping from my lips." Added Tang with a smile at MK's knowledge about the Monkey King.

"I thought that was noodle broth." Deadpanned Taro, causing Tang to glare at him before the man turned to MK.

"Well, you know the deal: one story, one free bowl of Zha jiang mian. Hmm?" Tang tried to reason for free food.

Taro sweat dropped upon hearing MK agree to bring the free noodles as if it was the most normal thing ever before plugging his ears. Not a second later, Pigsy stormed into the room yelling angrily about not giving free noodles and something about growing his noodle empire. Before Taro unplugged his ears, MK was already out of the building to deliver some noodles leaving him and Tang in front of Pigsy.

"Oh, Taro!" Exclaimed Pigsy cheerfully, noticing Taro's presence. "You're here for noodles?" He said before ripping a bowl of noodles from Tang's cold grip and happily putting it in front of the peach boy. "Here you go. On the house."

Tang gasped in shock. "B-b-but I thought you said no free noodles!" He uttered in utter bafflement.

"Because he ain't no freeloader. He helps MK deliver noodles and works hard helping around the shop when he doesn't work here." Replied Pigsy, giving Tang a stern glare.

Tang turned to Taro and glared at the peach boy and his free noodles before Taro chuckled. "Thanks, but I'll have to pass. I've got some work at the hotel that needs to be done. Definitely next time though." He said getting up from his seat, ignoring the noodles, and heading towards the door with a bright cheerful smile. "Bye, Uncle Pigsy."

And without another word, Taro dashed out of the shop with great vigor. His bright smile quickly degraded into a furious frown as his eyes, glowing pink with power landed on an orange bird flying far away into the sky.

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