Chapter 1

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Logan's POV

"Mum, I'll be just fine. Yes I promise. Mhm. Yeah. Yes mother. Yep. Love you too. Mhm. Bye." I finally hung up the phone and walked into Starbucks.

"I'll have a (blehblahbleb) please." I smile at the guy standing behind the counter.

He grabbed a cup, "And what is your name?"

"Logan." I paid and walked over to a chair.

It felt so good to sit down. I've been wondering around Ireland all day buying things for my new apartment. I decided to stop at a bakery and get a drink from here and just relax.

"Logan." The man called out.

I smile at him once again and take my drink. He wrote his number on the receipt, cute. I wanted to be outside because it was nice, so I went to the park right by my apartment. I sat down a blanket, grabbed my food and coffee, and put in my earphone while I pulled out a book.

*2 hours later*

The whole time at the park I could see someone out of the corner of my eye. He was pushing a little girl on the swings and playing with her on the jungle gym. I pulled back out my book and began to read again when a ball hit my leg.

"I'm sorry Missy." A little girl wobbles up to me.

I smile and hand her the ball, "it's alright. Are you playing ball with your daddy?"

She shook her head, "no, that's my Uncle Sean. He takes me to the park every Sunday."

I smile, "Well have fun."

She ran back over to her Uncle and they begin to play ball again. I decided to pack up and head back home.

*Time Skip*

I finally got my apartment all set up after a few days and I've got all settled in. I have a new routine and a new life. I made a few new friends who I really enjoy being with but every time Sunday comes around, I'm alone reading my book, eating whatever I got from the bakery, and drinking Starbucks on my blanket at the park. I was listening to music when I felt something hit me. I turned around to see the little girl again.

"I'm sorry again missy. I was running to try and find a hiding spot when I tripped over that stick." She said quietly.

I smile at her, "it's alright. Are you okay?"

"I got a booboo on my knee." she pointed to her knee where there was a little scratch.

I got into my bag and pulled out a bandaid, "Would you like a bandaid?"

"What's that?" She asked sweetly.

I smiled again, "it's like a booboo protector. It helps heal and keep the booboo clean."

She nodded her head, "can I have one please?"

"Of course," I unwrapped the bandaid and put it on her leg, "hope you like green."

"Greens my favorite color!" She squealed happily.

I looked up to see a man standing behind the girl, "I found you May."

May pouted, "Not fair Uncle Sean! I fell and got a booboo."

"Well, are you okay?" He asked kindly.

She nodded energetically, "Missy gave me a booboo protector! It's green just like Sam!!"

"Well thank you, missy?" He turned to me.

I smile, "My names Logan, and it's no problem."

Mays eyes widened, "That's such a pretty name for such a pretty girl!!"

Please [Don't] Listen (JackSepticEye Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora