Chapter 2

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Logan's POV

I called my friend Jace right when I entered my apartment.

"JackSepticEye's niece has befriended you. You all talked. He got your card. And he knew your Tumblr account?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Her name is May and she's five. She's so sweet and I think I'm gonna babysit her." I say happily.

"Darling that's amaZing! To celebrate shall we order Chinese, get ice cream, and have a game night?" He proposed.

"Hell yes! Should I invite Gage and Tate?"

"Of course babe! See you by 6!"

We hung up and I got the place set up. Pj's on, games out, laptop charged, headphones in reach, the couch-bed pulled out, and the Chinese ordered.

"Knock knock!" I heard Gage yell.

I opened the door and Jace was holding Tate. While Gage positioned herself in front of the door.

"Don't worry guys, I got the TaterTot." Jace said.

Tate hit him playfully, "I told you guys to stop calling me that especially you Jace."

Gage and I laughed, "Plus that's my nickname for him."

Tate rolled his eyes and Gage spoke up, "Are you two secretly gay lovers?"

The boys faked laughter, "no."

Gage gave me the look and I nodded. Both of us knowing they are probably lying. But we didn't care. All we care about is video games and ice cream. And Chinese and YouTube.

"S, L, you and JackSepticEye huh?" Gage raised her eyebrows.

I glared at Jace and he put his arms up in surrender. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, carrying on with what I was doing before.

"You can't just shrug your shoulders! You need to tell us the details brat!" Gage playfully pushed me.

I rolled my eye, "we talked at the park and his niece took a liking to me. That's pretty much all that happened, okay?"

Tate hit me.

"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled.

Tate raised his eyebrow, "Hoe, we're talking about Jack, Jacksepticeye, Sean, Sean McLoughlin, and you say it like that! Girl! What is going on with you?"

"Look, if he wants to be my friend then we can be friends. Yes, he's my idol and mean everything to me but that won't stop me from being normal friends with him." I said.

They all sigh, "you're right."

"I know I am! Now, it's GAME TIME!" I yell.

We all ate and played games and passed out at about 5am. We were awoken by a phone call. I checked the time, it was 1pm.

"Hello." I say into the phone.

"Hello, I'm looking for Logan Mcallister."

I head to the kitchen, "Speaking."

"ah hello Logan, this is Mays mother, June."

I set down the kettle, "How can I help you?"

"Could you babysit May on Thursday? My husband and I are going to a dinner conference that's two hours away and May won't stop talking about you."

"Oh I would love too!" I reply.

"Great! Can we drop her off at your place about 4pm, Thursday?"

"Yes of course! I'll text you my address."

"That's perfect! What are you doing Tuesday?"

"Uhm tomorrow, I don't have anything planned."

"How about you and I meet up for lunch at the small Cafe off of North street?"

"That sounds great."

She sounded hurried, "Alright! See you then doll!"

I hung up and finished making coffee then walked back into the living room.

"Who was that?" Jace asked.

I looked at him, "It was June, May's mother."

Tate rolled over, "What did she want?"

"We're going out for coffee tomorrow and I'm babysitting May on Thursday." I replied.

Gage took a mug off me, "That sounds fun."

"Yeah," I sipped my coffee, "I'm excited I guess."

"Do you guys just wanna chill here for the day?" I asked.

They nodded, "Whats left of it."


Words: 630

Yeah, you shouldn't get used to the long chapters. Sure I'll throw them out every once and a while but not very often. My power keeps going off and it's really annoying especially because this computer doesn't last 10 minutes without it's charger. Woo.

Song: Game Over: Falling In Reverse


What's your favorite thing to drink?

Bye my Little Cheerios!
Xoxo- Blur

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