Chapter 12

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"Hey Mark." I say to the man sitting on my couch.

He looks up at me, "Yeah?"

"We need to go." I simply state walking into my room.

He followed me, "What do you mean?"

"Logan needs me, but you have to come. They only direction I got was dress fancy." I explain.

He nodded and we both changed. We were out of the house in less that 20 minutes and almost to the restaurant. I got a text from Logan saying she just arrived and was standing near the front.

"Logan, you look amazing!" I state as we got out of the car.

She weakly smiled, "Thank you, you do too Gage."

"Where's Sean?" Mark asked.

Logan looked at him, "Hi Mark. Glad you could join! Let us go inside shall we?"

I shot a look over to Mark who had the same expression. Something bad happened and Logan is acting really weird about it. Shes hiding something.

"Do you have a reservation?" The lady smiled at us.

Logan spoke up, "McLoughlin party of three."

"It says here it's a party of two?" She read off the screen.

Logan shook her head, "Nope."

"We'll okay, follow me."

We followed the lady and sat down. We ordered our drinks and silently looked at the menu. Our waiter came back, his name was Connor, and he had an eye for Logan. We ordered and Logan finally made eye contact with us.

"What the hell happened Logan?" Mark asked.

I spoke up, "And don't give us any bullshit. You know I can see right through it."

She sighed, "I went to Sean's apartment so we could go out. I was a bit early and the door was unlocked which was odd. He wasn't around so I went to his bedroom. I opened the door to see a skinny bimbo with barely any covering draped over top of him. He was also shirtless and his belt was on the floor and pants unbuttoned."

That bastard! How could he hurt her like that? Especially on their one year. That was fucked up.

"Logan, I am so-" Mark started.

I cut him off, "She doesn't like sympathy. And I won't give it. It is his loss and he is a dick for doing something like that."

"Thank you Gage." She faked another smile.

She is keeping something to herself. I don't know what but it is killing her inside. She won't be able to hold up any longer if she keeps this up.

"At least the waiter has the hots for you." Mark stated.

Logan let out a real laugh, "Greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaat."

Connor brought us our food and stared at Logan. This made us all laugh. We ate and Logan started to look truly happy again.

Logan's POV

It was a few days after dinner with Gage and Mark. It has been a few days of hell for me. I was in my Emolga boxers and a black tanktop. My hair was pulled into a knot and I had no makeup on.

*knock knock knock knock*

"Who the hell could that be?" I asked myself.

I walked over to the door and pulled it open to see a tired and lost looking Sean.

"What do you want?" I snarl.

"I wanted to talk." He stated.

I look at my phone, "About what? I'm busy."

He raised an eyebrow at my last statement, "About the other night."

"There is nothing to talk about Sean." I spit.

He sighed, "Please let me talk."

"Why? I don't want to hear excused. I'm tired of being bullshitted."

"Look Logan, I have no idea who she was." He started.

I scoff, "That happens doesn't it. Hmm who would have known."

"No Logan I was set up." He tried again.

I laugh, "Yeah so was I. When I got into a relationship with you."

"Logan, let my explain! Why the won't you listen to me?" He raised his voice.

I rolled my eyes, "Because Sean, I've only been in three relationships my whole life. The first guy had sex with me then broke up with me and was actually cheating on me the whole time we were dating. The second guy stalked me and verbally abused me. Then he literally tried to kill me. Now, my third relationship I thought it was going to work, but how I was wrong."

"Logan it isn't like that! Just listen to me damn it!"

I took a shaky breath, "I'm done listening. We're not in some fanfiction Sean! You can't just sweep me up off my feet and except me to fall back in love with you! It's over."

"No, Logan please." He looked crushed.

I looked away, "Just leave Sean."

I didn't turn around. I heard the door shut and I started to cry. I started to cry the hardest I have ever cried. I didn't stop. I was loud and let it all out. After a few hours of bawling on the floor I took out my phone.

"Hey mom, can I come home?"


Words: 810

Hey... Uh yeah... please don't kill me. Yeah, this is awkward. I should go.

Song: Not The Perfect Two: Kayla Hang

Have you ever been cheated on? (I'm SO sorry if you have. That's terrible)

Bye my Little Cheerios
xoxo- Blur

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