Chapter 17

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Sean's POV

It has been a few months since the incident and everything is slowly coming back together. May is in therapy and so is Logan. I try to go with both of them each time. Jeff has been working from home and trying so hard to keep May happy, but it's hard.

"Mr. Mcloughlin, Logan is allowed to go home today. She is getting an early release since she has been healing so well." The nurse, Cady, said to me.

I thanked her and walked in Logan's room.

"Hey L." I say in a slight whisper.

She smiled, "Hello my love!"

"Feeling better?" I questioned.

Logan nodded, "A lot better."

"I have really good news?" I state.

Her eyes widened, "What is it?"

"You get an early release."

"When do I get to go home?!" She asked.

I chuckled, "Today."

She smiled widely and hugged me. Logan always hated being in hospitals and she made sure she told us that everyday she was here.

She slowly got up and changed really quickly. She pulled her up into a messy bun and slid on her shoes.

"Hello Logan!" The doctor walked in.

Perfect timing L. Perfect timing.

"Hiya!" Logan greeted.

He laughed, "I see you heard about your early release. We just want to take a few more tests before we release you. We just want to be 100 percent sure you're ready to be released."


They took her blood and checked her out. They made sure she knew all of the things she was and wasn't allowed to do and that she was healthy.

"Sign here and you guys can go!" Cady smiled.

Logan and I signed the paper and Logan grabbed a hold of my hand. I squeezed it and we walked out of the building. She was radiating happiness.

"Logan, I have some more good news." I spoke.

She looked even happier, "Tell me!"

"We were invited to May's birthday party tomorrow." I announce.

Logan wasn't allowed to see May during her stay. They kept the two away from each other so they could heal properly.

"Can we go?" Logan was a true five year old at heart.

I nodded, "If you want too. I think I have even better news thought."

Logan literally looked like she was going to explode with happiness. If you poked that girl with a needle she'd spit out candy, confetti, and glitter.

"I talked to the judge and because of Jeff's working condition and June being in prison, I was asked to take May. Her father agreed it would be the best for her. So, I will be May's new guardian." I explain.

Her eyes widened, "You're getting custody of May?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Does she know?" Logan questioned.

I shook my head, "She doesn't know that you're out of the hospital either. You're going to be her present."

"I'm so excited!" She cheered.

~Time skip to party~

May's POV

"Uncle Sean!" I ran to him and gave him a big hug.

He chuckled, "How are you May?"

"I'm super swell!" I replied.

I was actually pretty upset that Missy couldn't make it. I really miss her. I hope she's doing okay."

"Uncle Sean, meet Grace, Ria, Mac, and Tay!" I cheered.

He smiled, "Hello princesses!"

We played some games and enjoyed ourselves when the door bell rang.

"Pizza is here!" Uncle Sean cheered.

He got us all some pizza and two boys walked in with a suitcase.

"Girls, this is Tate and Jace. They're dress up masters. And later the makeup masters will be here!" Uncle Sean explained.

The big boys went downstairs and the girls and I ate.

"Tate is pretty cute!" Mac giggled.

Tay spoke up, "No way! Jace is way cuter."

"Sean is the cutest." Ria laughed.

Grace and I exchanged looks, "They're too old!"

Everyone here was eight except grace and I, we both just turned seven.

"You guys ready for dress up?" Tate asked.

We all nodded and cheered and scurried on downstairs. The boys helped us chose stunning outfits.

"Aloha! The makeup masters are here!" A lady walked down the stairs.

They were wearing all long sleeved clothing, masks, glassed, and hats. Something isn't right here.

"Come now girls!" The taller one demanded lightly.

Some girls went to makeup while the others got dressed. I had to admit it was really fun.

"Now ladies, to the runway!" Jace clapped.

We strutted up the stairs to see a red carpet laid out down the hall. Jace took us all "backstage" and got us set up. Ria went out first, Tay was second, Mac was third, Grace was fourth, and I was last. Music started playing and you could see a bunch of flashes. Tate and Uncle Sean were taking pictures as if they were the paparazzi. The two makeup chicks cheered at the end.

"Ready for presents and cake?" Uncle Sean asked.

"Yeah!" We all yelled.

Ria got me a spa kit, Mac got me a gift card and some candy, Tay got me a stuffed animal, and Grace got me a friendship necklace and made me a book.

"Here." Tate handed me a box, "from Jace and I."

It was a really nice dress, some heels, and a ticket to go to the theater.

"Thank you so much! I've been wanting to go forever." I smiled.

Sean stood up, "Now, I have two gifts for you May."

"Okay!" I giggled.

He pulled over one of the makeup ladies and took off her hat, glasses, and mask.

"Missy!" I yell.

I immediately ran to her and gave her a huge hug. I almost started crying. I missed her so much.

"Happy birthday Maylay." Logan spoke softly.

Uncle Sean smiled, "Secondly, how would you like to come live with me May?"

My eyes widened, "Oh Uncle Sean, I would absolutely love too!"

"Great!" He said pulling me into a hug.

Best birthday ever.


Words: 946

So this happened! Surprising wasn't it? WOOT WOOT

Song: Uma Thurman: Fall Out Boy

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Be Lovely, Stay Lovely
xoxo- Blur

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