Chapter 9

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Logan's POV

"It was fun!" I responded.

Sean smiled at me, "It was lonely without you here for two weeks. I think May missed you the most."

"I can't wait to see her smiling face tomorrow! I got her the cutest gift." I state happily.

Sean smiled at me, "What did you get her?"

"Okay, I bought this purple case and it had compartments that I filled with candy for when she's sad, nail polish and lip gloss and lotion and stuff for when she's feeling sassy, band-aids and hand sanitizer and stuff for when she is hurt. And some other stuff." I smile.

He smiles back at me, "She's going to love it baby! I just got her a doll she's been wanting."

"I bet she'll love that more than mine." I giggle.

He shakes his head, "She'll be in love with anything you get her. You are her Missy."

"I love how it's almost been a year and she still calls me Missy." I smile at the memory of us first meeting.

~Time Skip to Party Time~

I took a quick shower and went to get dressed. (Outfit attached [not me] with the white jacket) I curled my newly dyed burgundy hair and did my usual dark makeup. Sean was already ready and was on his computer in the living room.

"You look stunning Logan!" Sean complimented.

I slightly blush, "Thank you. You look amazing yourself."

He was wearing black dress pants, a red button down shirt with a Christmas tie, and some nice shoes.

"Thank you darling." He kissed me and tried not to smudge my red lipstick.

We interlocked our hands and headed to the car. I was nervous and practically shaking the whole ride there. I just blamed it on the cold weather. We finally arrived and I was even more nervous.

"Baby, relax. You're trembling." He pulled me into a tight hug.

I nodded, "I'm just nervous. It always happens when I'm in social situations."

He smiled at me and gave me a sweet kiss. we grabbed all the presents and knocked on the door to see a smiling June. She welcomed us in and we joined everyone else. I walked over to the tree to place all the gifts and Sean went to go talk to his brother. (I know he has two brothers and two sisters but I'm just going to makeup a name and
Only use his one of his older brothers in this story.)

Sean's POV

Logan walked over to the tree to set down all the gifts and everything while I went to talk to my brother.

"Hey Sean! Glad you could make it." My older brother said.

I smiled, "I wouldn't miss it for the world Jeff!"

"So, where is this lovely girlfriend of yours?" He questioned.

We walked out to see Logan talking to June. I walked over to Logan and took her hand.

"I'm stealing her for a few minutes." I simply states and walked away with her.

We walked over to where Jeff was standing, "Jeff, this is my lovely girlfriend Logan. Logan this is my brother Jeff."

She stuck out her hand and he shook it, "It's nice to meet you."

"You too!" He said, "You are just as stunning as Sean described you as."

"Thank you." She nervously giggled.

We talked with him for a few more minutes until my mom walked into the room.

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