Chapter 6

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Logan's POV

"How did you sleep last night Maylay?" I ask the yawning five year old.

She wobbled over to me, "I had a really bad dream."

"What was it about sweetie?"

She grabbed my hand and we sat on the couch. She looked very worried.

"There was this man, I can't think of his name, but he was yelling at you and he hit you bunches of times and kicked you and you were crying on the floor and he was gonna hit me but you saved me." She looked like she was getting ready to cry.

I hugged her, "Well, good thing it was all just a dream."

She nodded and hugged me tighter. I tried not to wince at the pain that was caused by what seemed to be a fractured rib. It was times like these that I was thankful for long sleeves and makeup.

The day seemed to fly by and soon enough May was fast asleep in my arms. I took a quick photo and sent it to Sean.

I think I have stole the favorites spot.

He replied quite quickly,

Not fair! If you two have each other who do I get?

I laughed at his response.

You have 5 million people dying to have you.

I smiled at what he said.

Yeah, but out of those 5 million people I want you.

I blushed.

You're a dork. But you can be my dork.

He took a moment to respond.

Logan, would you like to go on a date with me?

I smiled once again and replied before I fell fast asleep.

I would love too, Sean.

I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello." I say my voice hoarse.

I heard a small chuckle, "Did I wake you?"

"Maybe." I got up and walked to the kitchen.

He laughed, "Well sleepyhead June asked me to come pick up May as they are both very tired."

"Okay, we'll be here." I yawn.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I started the coffee and ran in to take a quick shower. I had just finished my makeup when Sean knocked on the door. I pulled on my shawl and awkwardly skip over to the door.

"Hi." I welcome.

He smiled at me, "Good morning."

I let him in and we quietly walk past a sleeping May. I show him into the kitchen and he sat down.


"Yes please."

"Black coffee with a little bit of sugar right?"

He looked puzzled, "How did you know?"

I blushed, "You told us in one of your videos."

"That's cute that you remembered that." He chuckled.

"Well, you know." I covered my face.

He pulled my hands down, "Don't do that. I want to see your pretty face."

I tensed up at him grabbing my wrists and slightly panicked by pulling away then walking over to the coffee.

"He's not going to hurt you." I mentally reassure myself.

He looked a little hurt, "Are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you?"

"You didn't upset me, I'm alright." I say looking out the window.

He put his hand on my shoulder, "Are you positive?"

I tense up more, "Yes."

He isn't going to hurt me. He isn't going to hurt me. He doesn't want to hurt me. This is not a harmful situation.

"Turn around Logan." He said.

I slowly do, "Wh-"

He pulled me into a hug and I quickly hugged back. We stood there in each others embrace until we heard small footsteps. We let go to see May standing at the door.

"Uncle Sean when did you get here?" May giggled while she rubbed her eyes.

He smiled at her, "Just a few minutes ago."

"Would you like something to eat May?" I ask her.

She nods, "Can I have a bagel and a juice box?"

"Of course sweetie. How about you go get dressed and when you come back in here I'll braid your hair."

"Okay!" She with a sudden burst of energy, "And Uncle Sean keep your hands off of my Missy."

With that the sassy five year old strutted out of the room. Sean had his hands up in defense and a blush crept across his cheeks. I laughed and he walked back towards me.

"Your coffee might be a little cold." I giggled.

He smiled, "That's perfectly fine."

I handed him his drink and made myself one too. He was sitting in the chair again and I plopped down on his lap.

"Is this seat taken?" I playfully ask.

He laughed, "Nope! Not at all."

We both began to laugh and I put my arm around his neck and used the other to sip my coffee. We just sat there in silence until may came back.

"Uncle Sean!" She called out, "I said no touching my Missy!"

We look at each other and laugh again. I get up and set a juice box in front of May. She thanks me and I began to make her a bagel.

"What do you want on your bagel Maylay?"I asked her.

She pondered a bit, "Peanut Butter!"

I let out a giggle, "Okay."

"Maylay?" Sean questioned.

May stuck her nose in the air, "Yeah, that's Missy's nickname for me. And what is her nickname for you? Oh that's right you don't have one because she is mine Uncle Sean."

"Woah, such a protective five year old." Sean laughed.

I smile at the two and place the bagel in front of May. She smiled widely and thanked me. May talked all about sleepovers and how much fun she had. It then came to the time where they both had to head out.

"Bye Missy! I had a lots of fun!" She hugged me.

I hugged her back, "Can't wait to do it again Maylay."

"Bye Logan, I'll call you later." Sean smiled.

I returned the smile, "Alright love."

May started off down the hall and Sean leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek. He smiled and the waved then started off after May.

I stood in the doorway dazed by what just happened. Am I finally going to have a true relationship? Is someone going to truly love me?


Words: 988

All these long chapters though! I am on a great roll! ^-^ told you it will be pure happiness for a while!

Song: Crystal Ship: NightCore

What is your favorite breakfast food?

Bye my Little Cheerios!
xoxo- Blur

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