chapter 10- hypothetically

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1 new twitter dm!

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘

hey cassia!
idk if you remember but we met
at the party not too long ago
i just wanted to let you know that
i'm hosting a party at a nearby night
club to celebrate a tour i just went on,
and i wanted to invite you!
it'll be next friday :) lmk if
you think you could make it!

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘

"can't you go with me?" i ask noel as he sits on the couch and reads the invite from my phone.

"i mean, i didn't get a personal invitation, now, did i?" he retorts, handing my phone back to me.

"i can't go alone!"

"you went to the last party alone and you were just fine!"

i look at him in disbelief for a couple seconds, before he meets my gaze and slowly nods.

"yeah, you're right, i wouldn't call making out with sapnap 'just fine,'" he says.

"how about i ask dream if you can go as my plus one?" i offer.

"absolutely not."


"that makes both of us look dumb. it makes me look like a social climber that wants to hang around twitch streamers that probably don't shower which, trust me, i don't, and makes you look like a loser that can't go anywhere without her big brother."

i don't even bother correcting him on the "big brother" thing.

"you're the worst," i say.

"how about you just say you're busy that day?"

"and miss the opportunity to make connections and get free drinks? i don't think so. twitch con is just around the corner and the streamy's are in august. i don't have a shot in hell of getting an invitation to either if i keep being anti-social."

"one, you wouldn't talk to anyone you don't already know so drop the 'make connections' thing. and two, if it's at a night club, i doubt the drinks are going to be free."

"you're so negative."

"says the one whining about going, but also whining about not going."

"i'm just trying to think rationally! i'm sure sapnap is going to be there, and i don't want to end up sucking faces with him again!"

"you don't?"

"no!" i shove noel's shoulder, but he barely moves. "that was a mistake and him and i both know it."

"uh huh."

without another word, i storm off to my room.

"you wouldn't be this pissed if you didn't think i was right!" noel calls.

"i don't care!" i slam my door and sit in my desk chair, swiveling it in circles, purposefully making myself as dizzy as i can manage.

i have to respond to dream's dm soon, now that he knows i opened it, but i'm so conflicted.

on one hand, a nightclub means fun, music, dancing, and alcohol.

on the other, it means... sapnap.

i sigh heavily, say a quick prayer, and tell dream that i'll be there.

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