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Everyone has scars, some from tridents, monsters, and lighting. Some are from accidents like stove burns or accidentally cutting yourself while making bread.

They all hold secrets.

The hermits all know each other's stories about their scars.

All but Xisuma's scars.

No one knows his stories. What scars he has. They don't know what his face looks like.

------Xisuma's Pov------

Today was the monthly meeting, it was being held in the shopping district.

Doc and I were preparing the meeting room, so Grian couldn't get any explosives.

He somehow always got some.

Eventify everyone arrived, and then we started the meeting.

"So, does anyone have anything to say to start the meeting," I asked. I left watching Grian to Doc.

"I got a question for you, X," Jevin asked.

"Sure, what is it," I replied, wondering what the question was.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you have any scars," Jevin asked.

I was taken aback by that question.

Everyone was looking at me, even Grian wasn't trying to blow anything up.

After a few seconds, Jevin finally spoke up.

"You don't have to answer, that was a little uncalled for."

"Oh no, I should have probably told you guys," I said apologetically.

"What do you mean," Zedaph started to say, but Grian interrupted.

"Can you tell us some of your stories," Grian asked, suddenly, all eyes were on him.

"Sure, but not all of them," I said now everyone's eyes were on me.

"Really?" Cleo asked.

"Ya, why not."

Everyone started to talk at the same time; explaining why I didn't have to tell them.

"Guys, I'm sure," I tried to reassure them, but they kept telling me I didn't have to.

"Ok, how 'bout I only tell you the accidental scars."

There were a few seconds of silence before someone finally spoke up.

"Only the accidental ones, and if then you're okay with telling us the other scars you can tell us, okay," Cub said, a few people nodding at his idea.

"Ok, I'll do that," I said, already knowing what story I was telling.

"Ok, we're listening," Ren said, his ears perking up.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "So, I have a scar on my forearm," I said, pointing to my right forearm, they couldn't see it though. I was fully armored up.

"This one came from a Redstone incident at Mumbo's base when Grian messed with TNT."

I pointed to another scar on my chest. " This one came from an incident with some of my off-world friends. We were battling each other for fun."

Grian raised his hand like a kindergartener. He had a mischievous look and tnt clearly in his sweater.

I mentally sighed, knowing something was going to happen.

"Yes, Grian."

"You have friends?" Grian said, mischief in his eyes.

Everyone started laughing, and Stress and Keralis started to playfully scold him.

I just blankly stared at them. This is going to be a long meeting.

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