Quite Days

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Such a quiet day.

Foggy and damp with invisible rain.

I feel as though something happened on this day, yet I have no idea what. Sitting in the shopping district waiting for a hermit. Any hermit now.

Where were they?

Usually, one or more hermits would come to the shopping district every few hours.

Why haven't seen anyone in days though. I decide to stand from the step I'm sitting on and look for someone.

Maybe Keralis would be in our spot. Sitting under a tree relaxing.

I walk over to our spot a few thousand blocks away from Keralis' base and see all the hermits standing around something. I walk over to Doc's side and look at him.

He's crying.

"Doc?" I ask concerned. "What's going on?" He doesn't answer.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Doc, what's going on?"

He still doesn't answer.

I look to the centre of the group and see a big wooden box. Now I see that everyone is in between crying and sobbing.

Cleo is looking at me, also in tears.

I look at Doc to see that Beef and Etho are with him. I then walk over to Cleo who looks like she has seen a ghost.

"Cleo?" I say a few steps short of her.

She's still staring at me when someone calls out her name. She doesn't take her eyes off me.

I see that the person is Joe when he walks up to her to see if she's alright. She pulls Joe in for a hug.

I look to the middle again and see that the box is open. Walking over to the box, I noticed that flowers were overfilling the box.

Inside the box was a skeleton. Skull and leg broken, one of each finger was gone on each hand, and any flesh remaining was in its final stage of rotting.

No wonder everyone was crying. I must smell horrible.

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