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Grian's Pov

I've heard from some of the hermits that Mr. Nosleepy has been getting no sleep. Keralis gave me the nickname, hence I use it because it's funny.

But right now, I'm flying to Mr.Nosleepy's base.

Once I land at his door, I knock. If he didn't let me in, because he knows why I'm there, I have permission from Keralis to break down the door.

Right now, I'm at his door, ready to knock, when I realise that the doors are unlocked. I open the door and find him lying on the couch, looking dead as fuck.

He's in black sweatpants and a short-sleeved shirt.

"Xisuma?" I call quietly from the door.

He doesn't react. I shut the door and walked over to him.


He still doesn't respond. I don't shake him to wake him up or check his pulse, the whole point of coming to X's house was to make him sleep (If he's alive.)

I get out my com and start texting Keralis.

Grian: Hey, keralis

Keralis: Hey Brian

Grian: I think you might want to come over to X's house

Keralis: Why?

Grian: he might be dead

It took him a full minute to respond.

Keralis: I'll be over with Doc and Stress

I put my com down on a side table and sat down on one of the armchairs.

A few minutes later, I hear rockets outside and people landing. The door flies open, and Doc and Stress run in, and immediately go to Xisuma's side.

Keralis is standing in the doorway, eyes wider than they usually are, staring at X. He is getting teary-eyed.

I start to get up when I see Stress gesturing me to come a bit closer. When I kneeled beside her, she whispered in my ear.

"Grian, can you bring Keralis to 'Suma's bedroom. I'll be there in a bit."

I didn't respond, I just got up and walked over to Keralis. He was still staring at X, his eyes teary still.

"Keralis?" I said. That snapped him back.

"Y-Ya Brian," he said, obviously needing to talk somewhere else than here.

"Can you follow me?" I asked, still frowning.

He looked at X. "But I need to be here, with Shashwam."

I looked over at X. Doc and Stress were conversing with each other about something.

I look at him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Keralis, X is going to be ok. Stress and Doc are doing everything they can. X will be ok."

He sniffled, tears starting to fall down. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bedroom.

Once we got in the bedroom, I sat him on the bed, and he started sobbing. I tried to soothe him, saying that Xisuma would be okay and that he just passed out from exhaustion. A few minutes later, Stress came in. She looked strangely relieved. Me and Keralis both looked up at her, Keralis still tearful.

She smiled softly at us. " Xisuma is going to be ok. He's being taken care of by Doc at the moment." Her smile didn't falter as she spoke.

Keralis looked slightly better hearing that news. He wasn't crying as much anymore.

"Do you know what happened to him?" I asked.

"He's sick. Hasn't been taking care of himself so it's bad."

"He's going to be ok, right?" Keralis asked, voice slightly horse from crying.

Stress walked over and sat on the bed next to him, she was still smiling.

"He's going to be fine, Keralis."

Keralis leaned over and hugged her. Saying thank you into her shoulder. I quietly got up and tip-toed towards the door.

When I got to the living room, Doc was sitting in the chair I was previously sitting in, eyes closed. X was hooked up to a temporary IV bag with something in it. Still looking pale and dead. His eyes were still closed.

So, I went to get a glass of water from the small open space kitchen. I open the cupboard where X gets cups for tea and half of the cupboard is empty.

The other half was filled with mugs with different words on them. So, I decided to reach into the empty part of the cupboard. And lo and behold, there was something there, something invisible.

It was small enough for me to wrap my hand halfway around. And reasonably now I was far too cerous to back out, so, I grabbed the invisible object and took it out of the cupboard.

"And what do you think you are doing?" How didn't I notice Doc was leaning on the island a few feet away from me.

I jumped at that, wings flaring up and letting out a screech, dropping the unseeable object.

Doc's fur also slightly stood on end before rushing over and covering my mouth with his metal hand.

"Shut up, you're going to wake X up," Doc whispered. I relaxed and grumbled into his hand.

He took his hand off of my mouth but still kept his arm around my waist to keep me still.


(Sorry I haven't been uploading in the past month. I've had been drowning in homework and have been trying to focus on school more. I've also had like 2-3 different essays to do while writing this, so I wasn't able to write this as fast.) (I'll fix this later)

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