Pt 2

51 2 2

Grian's Pov

Doc sat me down on a kitchen chair. And also, apparently, I was holding a glass. The unseeable object was a glass cup. When I dropped it, it shattered into shards that Doc is cleaning up.

Stress and Keralis came into the kitchen after they heard my demonic screech.

Keralis was sitting next to Xisuma. Stress was checking me over to see if I had any cuts from the glass.

The other hermits were already informed of X's condition. they were making a schedule in chat on who would bring him food on what day.

"Alright, you're good to go."

I was so focused on the schedules and questions that I didn't notice that Doc was done sweeping and Stress was also done checking me over.

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Stress,"

I hopped down from the stool and walked out of the kitchen. I apparently also had a few cuts that Stress, unsuccessfully, warned me of. They hurt.

"Grian, where are you going," Stress yelled from the kitchen.

I may have walked out when she wasn't looking.

Xisuma's Pov

I didn't expect to be woken up by yelling and a stuffy nose.

"SHASHWAMY, YOU'RE AWAKE," I then got tackled into a hug by Keralis.

"KERALIS, GET OFF OF X, HE NEEDS TO BREATH." Stress shouted across the room.

I looked around the room and saw Doc scolding Grain, who was in the far corner, trying to give Doc puppy dog eyes.

Grian was still trying to give Doc puppy dog eyes when Keralis let me go. Stress then kneeled down at my side and asked me how I was.

How can she ask how I'm doing when Grian has literal bandages all over his feet and ankles.

"What did Grian do?" Man, was my voice horse.

Stress just smiled, opening her mouth to speak when Keralis spoke up.

"Brian broke one of your glass cups."

I didn't even know that Doc was done scolding Grian until he was standing over Stress.

"How are you doing, X," Doc asked.

"I'm good," I answered, voice not as horse as before.

(Might continue this story, might not.)

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