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"Bye, shashwamy, I have to go. Remember to lock the doors and windows before dark; we don't want those nasty monsters to get in, now do we." Keralis said.

"Don't worry, K, I'll lock them. And when did you start calling them monsters?" I questioned.

"Shashwamy, just because they are glitched entities doesn't mean we can't call them monsters."

I chuckled at that.

"And don't stay up too late, shashwamy. We don't want a tired admin do we," Keralis said.

"I know K, I'll go to sleep," (I won't.)


Keralis started heading to the door when I discovered how dark it was.

"Hey, K," I said, attempting to get his attention.

He stopped at that. "Ya, shashwam?"

"It's dark out; you might want to stay here for the night."

He took out his com.

"Oh goodness me, you're right." his already wide eyes widened.

"Sleepover time shashwam," Keralis said in a sing-song voice.

"I'll go lock the house up," I said.

"I'll make some snacks for the sleepover," Keralis said, still in his sing-song voice.

I then proceeded to lock all the doors and windows while Keralis was readying popcorn and candy for the sleepover.

------A few minutes later-------

"Keralis, where are you?" I yelled.

I looked all over the house, and he wasn't anywhere.

"K, I'm getting worried," I continued to yell.

There was a crash from the guest bedroom.


I walked into the bedroom and looked around.

There was a growl behind me, and I turned around.

There was a giant Humaid monster with claws as long as bowie knives.

Keralis' body was in its hands; his clothes were torn, and blood was dripping to the floor.

The only thing that came out of my mouth was a scream as it lunged at me.

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