Best Interest

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July 13-Smallville, Kansas

You were sitting at the kitchen table working on an article when you got a call from Lois.

"Hey, Lois."

"Hey. It's been a minute. How's corn town?"

"It's good. We've actually gotten pretty comfortable here."

"Hopefully not too comfortable."

"What do you mean?"

"I know that Perry is letting you guys work remotely so that you can be there for your family. Which is great, but, we need you here. We're still trying to keep Morgan Edge's hands off of us."

"I know. Clark and I have been trying to balance work, family, and saving the company. It's not easy."

"Of course. Do what's best for your family. But don't leave us. We need you guys. Don't tell Clark I said this, but you two are some of our best. Right behind me, obviously."


"I'll let you go. I just wanted to check in."

"Thanks, Lo."

You hung up and sighed as you rested your head in your hands. Of course, there was only a few moments of silence before you were bothered again.


"Yeah, Zeeke?"

"Can you build my Lego's with me?"

"I'm a little busy right now, babe. I really have to get this article done. Why don't you play with your brother?"

"He's too strong. He keeps knocking them over."

"He doesn't mean too. He can't control his powers yet."

"I know. But does he have to take it out on my Lego's?"

"Why don't you go find Kara or uncle Conner?"


You felt bad, but you also really needed to get some work done. After a few hours, you finally finished your work and sent it over to Perry. You went into the living room and saw Zeeke sitting on the floor finishing up his Lego's.

"Nice castle." You smiled.

"Thanks! I'm almost done!"

Right before he could finish, Shelby walked past it and knocked it over with his tail.


"He didn't mean to, baby. It's okay."

"It's not! It took me three hours!"

You sat on the floor and wrapped your arm around him. It wasn't often he still had outbursts like this, but when it did happen, you were there for him.

"You want me to help you rebuild it?"


"Yeah. We can't let it go to waste."

About a half hour later, Clark, Jon, and Conner walked into the room.

"You need some help?" Conner asked.

"As long as Jon doesn't break it again."

"I won't!"

"Then sure."

After a little while longer, Martha and Kara joined you. With all the help it only took about an hour and a half. When it was done, you all smiled and actually felt proud of it.

"We should do stuff like this more often." Martha said. "We're all so busy, we don't always take the time to do things as a family."

"You're right, Ma." Clark spoke. "Why don't we do something tonight? We could get dinner."

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