❁Chapter 6❁

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All the Alphas, from the packs submitted under the Black Pearl, have called a meeting.

They want to discuss about the new arrangements, rules and other stuff.

There are a total of 8 packs submerged with Feather's pack, making her the ultimate ruler of them all.

Most of the Alphas are females, and some are even unmated.

They would be arriving around 7 pm, so the pack house is a chaos, preparing for the huge dinner that'd take place at the ball room.

Yes, they have a ball room.

On every Full Moon, Feather hosts a huge masquerade, inviting people from all around the world.

A great opportunity to find your mate.

Florian has somehow managed to sneak his way around the pack house by now.

Everyone is quite friendly and welcoming to him, except a few.

But he hadn't told the Alpha about it, he knows it'd only cause problems. He didn't want to trouble the person that has provided shelter for him.

He knows just how busy the Alpha is.

It's been a whole week since he arrived here, and they barely get to see each other now a days.

As much as it pains the Omega's heart and his wolf, he sucks it up and tries to be useful around the house.

He participates in cooking, cleaning or whatever the head maid asks him to do.

At first they were skeptical and didn't let him do anything, but he pleaded and gave them huge puppy dog eyes, to which they eventually succumbed to.

Feather doesn't know about this, of course.

What more she doesn't know is that, others have started to take advantage of Florian's working habits.

Upon noticing no interruption or adversary from their Alpha, they got themselves the 'permitted card' to exploit the Omega as per their need.

Florian, being the kind and sweet soul he is, takes it as a way to pay back for the food and roof over his head.

He also makes sure the Alpha isn't aware of this. Well, they barely see each other, so it's not much of a tough job.

He only feels Feather entering the room at night and softly speaking to him.

She mostly just apologises about being so busy and not having time, or about how much she missed him throughout the day.

Then she'd kiss his head and fall asleep.

Today is nothing unusual, Florian wakes up to an empty bed, and his face visibly drops.

Subconsciously, his hand goes over the smooth sheet of the other side of the bed, it feels cold. He wonders if Feather even slept last night.

Right then an idea pops up in his head.

If his Alpha couldn't make time for him, at least he could do something to cheer her up during the exhausted hours.

He doesn't waste another second and jumps out of the bed, quickly making it and taking a shower afterwards.

Florian shuffles through his side of the closet. Yes, Feather had handed him an ipad with a online store open, and got him everything he merely lingered his eyes on for longer than a second.

So, now he has a part in the huge walk-in closet with loads of clothes and other necessary stuff.

He settles on a purple hoodie and trousers, putting on his new pair of converse before making his way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Aleph! Thank Goddess, you're here. The Alphas would start coming from tonight so we've got tons of food to make. Please be a sweetheart and start on the starters."

The head of the kitchen, Kaya, rushes him toward the vegetables on the table, not giving him a chance to speak.

Disheartened, Florian begins chopping the vegetables. But he doesn't let go of his surprise idea, not so fast. He'd surely prepare after he's done with everything else.

"Oh come on, Aleph. Hurry up! We can't upset the other Alphas." Kaya suddenly urges him from the back.

Florian jumps at the sudden shriek in her tone, the familiar fear of not finishing work in time and getting punished causing his heart to thud rapidly.

His finger gets under the knife and a small cut appears, blood pooling around his skin.

Hissing, he rushes to the sink and puts his hand under water.

Not really knowing why, but his eyes start to well up.

Flashbacks of the Blues' members yelling and screaming at him for being a loser, for not being done on time, their harsh insults, punches, kicks, assaults, everything just comes back to him at once.

"Alpha Gabriel is here."

Someone informs from the kitchen doorway and the cooks start scurrying across to prepare the welcome drinks.

Florian still stands in front of the sink, body stiff and heart twisting inside his chest.

"Aleph Florian! If you can't help around, please move out of the way!" Kaya pushes him aside and the Omega stumbles, suddenly getting snapped into reality.

"S-sorry." He mutters in a cracked voice before turning on his heels and running back to their room.

He feels stupid for reacting this way, not being able to do anything right.

But the overwhelming feeling gnaws at his heart and his body shakes, sobs choking out of him as his small body crashes on the bed.

Burying his face in Feather's pillow, he heaves and cries his heart out.

Why couldn't I do anything right? Why couldn't I repay to those who have given me everything? Why am I such a burden? Alpha Feather must already feel bad about having an Omega as a mate, now I couldn't even put myself to use.
I'm useless!

He curls up in a ball and hugs her pillow to his nose, sniffing and inhaling her spicy scent.

It does a little to calm his aching heart down.

I'm so pathetic for reacting this way. I shoud-

Florian's self-loathing thoughts come to a halt when a booming voice echoes and the smell of heaven fills his nose.

"Where's Florian?!"


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