❁Chapter 7❁

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The boy doesn't know what took over him the moment he heard the Alpha's voice calling his name.

All he felt at that moment was fear and the need to run, to escape. To avoid being punished. His mind fogged up and heart raced.

That's how Florian finds his small, light brown wolf in the middle of the forest, amidst nowhere.

It's becoming hard to breath and he doesn't know how long he's been running, or what time of the day is it.

But it's now dark outside and his legs are shaking terribly.

It's been several months since he's shifted. His wolf was too weak to shift or run before.

So, the shift took a toll on his smaller frame. His wolf used to only lay there, in the back of his mind.

And this shift, it hurt like hell.

Now, he's so drained and out of breath, and lost.

Florian stumbles across a tree trunk and collapses, his paws covered in mud and mouth open as he raggedly breathes.

After finally gaining his breath back, he looks around and feels his heart drop.

There's only trees around him, huge trees, covering up the sky except a few little stars peeking from behind the leaves.

Rustling sounds echoe, and chilly breeze passes around the Omega. He shivers, suddenly more scared than he was before.

Then realization dawns on him.

Why did I run? It was just Alpha Feather. Shit. She must be worried about me!

Along with the realization, guilt comes heavily down on him.

Feather has been nothing but lovely to him, and all he caused her is trouble and concern.

He gets back on his four paws, still exhausted from the shifting and running, and takes off back to where he came from.

His goal is to follow his own pawsteps and return to the pack house.

Hoping Feather would take him back and forgive him for his misbehavior.

Before the small boy could realize it, he's rounded the same spot four times, and his lungs are protesting against breathing.

Still bouncing with a tad bit hope, he gathers last ounce of strength and sprints off one more time.

Half an hour later, he finally starts recognizing the area, spots the familiar willow tree.

Relieved, and happy, he runs faster than his body allows him to.

Nearing the house, he could see the commotion, the chaos.

Everyone yelling and shouting, most members running off in wolf forms, the whole mansion lit up even at this late hour.

He frowns, hoping nothing bad has happened.

Tired paws halt on the backyard and he lets himself fall, slowly shifting back as his wolf couldn't take it anymore.

His naked body curls up in on himself from the cold as he prays in his mind for someone to take a notice of him.

Through his blurry vision, he spots someone finally spotting him and yelling.

"It's the Aleph! We found him!" They yell.

Florian swallows hard.

Were they looking for me?


Feather recieves the news of Alpha Gabriel's presence and finishes off her last bit of paper work.

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