27.Interview, Regret and Wishes

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Callum's POV

I've been searching and searching for minutes, hours and each passing second I feel the pain in my chest increasing. The longing of my soul to find our better half.

I came back home feeling depressed and angry about everything.


"They say when two people are in love, they'll do anything just to keep that love. They'll go the extra mile just so they could be together and that's exactly what happened in Natalia and my case." I paused and looked around at the flashing cameras on my face before continuing.

"We got married simply because we love each other and that isn't much of a crime is it? I guess it's just your delusional mindsets that made you think you could blaspheme Natalia just because she got married.

All they say is fair in love and war, so don't you think it's fair enough that Natalia got married to the one she truly loves?

I'm hundred percent sure that majority of you Liadlings are happily married to the love of your lives so why can't a celebrity do the same?" I paused for a while to observe the looks on the faces of the interviewers.

They all wore solemn looks as if finally understanding what my point was exactly.

I took a deep breath and continued.

"You all claim you love Natalia. You stay awake, sleepless nights just to participate in her live videos.

You spend dollars just to attend her concert and fan sign event but was all that just for nothing?

Because if you all really loved Natalia, you'll support her rather than condemn her. I really wish that you guys will see the paramount truth in all what I've said. Have a nice day."

I said and the camera crew stopped recording me. Some of the interviewers applauded me while some just stood there, unchanging.

Amos Quinn's POV

"Daddy did you see that? It's the man Natalia married! He was there at the engagement party that day!" Mila said jumping and clapping. I didn't know why she was feeling excited about this.

"So that's why she said we'd find out soon enough." Lydia muttered.

"Mimi sit down and stop jumping. You're gonna make your Daddy dizzy." She said to her and I sighed before turning off the TV.

I placed my head in my palm as I thought about everything that has been happening.

My daughter got married without my knowledge.....

She went missing after the whole world found out....

My Natalia was missing....

Two days ago

Aaron gave me the address of her current residence.

I personally drove down there with all hope of seeing my daughter but I was welcomed by an empty mansion.

I called her manager Skylar and that's when I found out that my daughter was missing.


As I thought back on all the things I had done that had hurt Natalia, a tear slid down my cheek.

I had being the worst father. I wasn't there for my child when she needed me the most and I used my grieve for my dead wife as an excuse for my foolishness.

I was starting to realize only now that Lydia and Mila were the reason why I was no longer a father to Natalia.

I looked up from my hands to see both of them just seated there watching me.

I remembered how I met Lydia 20 years ago when I employed her as my PA. Natalia's mother, Niana didn't like her one bit because she always tried to flirt with me.

I slept with her one drunken night and fired her the next day because I didn't want Niana to find out.

Natalia had just completed a year then and we were so happy.

For a while I forgot about Lydia and just lived happily with my family not until Cancer took Niana away.

The grieve if felt was immerse. I wept for days then Lydia came crawling back into my life, telling me I had a daughter with her.

We never got married and Natalia knew that fact but yet I accepted her and Mila. Natalia never did the same though. She never got along with them.

And she hated me. Hated me for replacing her mother with Lydia and her with Mila but I never saw it like that.

I thought it was just her childish tantrums but years passed and our relationship just kept getting strained.

She would leave me to live with her grandma and then she started her career.

"Daddy! Why're you zoning out?" Mila yelled snapping me back to reality.

"Lydia. I need you to do me a favour."

"Yes hun. Whatever you want." She replied smiling seductively.

"Go to the bedroom and pack up your things. I'm stepping out for a while and I don't want to meet you here once I return." I said and stood up.

"W..what? What are you talking about hun?" She said glossy eyed. Mila was staring in awe, looking just as shocked.

"You heard me. I need you to leave my house. Good bye." I said and walked out of the living room.

I could hear her crying and pleading after me but I was having none of it.

If I couldn't find my daughter, I should go to someone who can.

Natalia's POV

I watched the video on Tina's phone over again, my eyes filled with unshed tears.

Callum's interview had gone viral and people were still giving their comments and reviews on it even till now.

People were being apologetic towards me and begging me to come back though a majority of them still stood their ground that I did wrong by marrying Cal.

"Your husband is so cool." Tina said smiling.

"I agree." Nana added and I smiled sadly.

"I do miss him a lot. It has being three months since I last saw him. I miss him so much." I said as I rubbed my baby bump which weirdly was already big.

I was only three months gone. How big was my baby? But then I had to remind myself that this was a werewolf pregnancy.

"Then go meet him. He has being longing for you. Putting up posters over the city and promising price money to whoever finds you. He misses you a lot Lala. Just go to him." Nana said.

"Besides, the rumours have died down. Your fans are increasing again and begging you to come out of your hiding. Even your manager Skylar has been grieving to find you." Tina said.

"I'm just still very scared. I don't want any more problems especially now that I'll be having a baby. I should-" I couldn't complete my sentence because the doorbell rang and we looked at each other alerted.

We never had any visitors so who was at the door?

Hi lovelies

Sorry this chapter is a little late, got busy over the weekend.

Please vote guys🙏💜

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