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Callum's POV

I arrived at Natalia's house and rang the doorbell. The kind old lady opened the door and smiled at me.

"Good day ma'am." I said politely and she smiled even wider.

"I'm glad you're here. Natalia is up in Skylar's room!" She said enthusiastically.

I thanked her and went up the stairs.

I paused in front of Skylar's room door and before I could do anything, it went opened.

"Callum!" Skylar greeted smiling. I smiled back at her, both hands in my pants' pockets.

"Where's Natalia?" I asked.

"She's in my bathroom." She replied sheepishly and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'd like to see my mate." I said curtly and she pushed me out the door.

"She'll meet you downstairs okay? Just give her sometime to calm her wrecking nerves." She said and quickly went in before shutting the door on my face.

I stared at the door speechless at her outrageous behaviour.

'Mate, mate. We need to see our mate.' Azure danced in my head and I sighed.

I stood at the door for what felt like hours before I heard approaching footsteps and my mates peculiar scent.

The door opened and my eyes fell on my mate. She looked smaller. Her beautiful brown orbs seemed a thousand shades darker. She also added more weight or maybe it was the baggy shirt she had on that got me wrong.

She wasn't looking at me. She seemed scared.

Why was she scared though? Did she think I'd snap at her for abandoning me for three months?

As much as I wanted to snap at her right now, I was happy to see her. I've missed my dear mate.

"Lia." I whispered and held her chin up so she was staring at me. I felt those familiar, sweet sparks at our contact.

"My baby Lia." I said watching her eyes start forming tears. I pulled her into my embrace, taking in every breath of her heavenly scent. For some reason it seemed stronger.

"I... I'm sorry Cal. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have... I'm so sorry, I was ju-"

"Shhh, that's alright baby. You don't have to explain right now. It's alright. Just calm." I said patting her silky hair softly.

She was holding onto me real tight as if never wanting to let go. Her tear streaked face was now nuzzling on the crook of my neck.

I missed her a lot and it seemed she felt the same.

Pulling her away from me carefully, I wiped her now puffy cheeks and she pouted cutely.

Damn she was so cute

I crashed my lips on hers, kissing her hungrily. Every single moment now I wanted to savour.

After we pulled apart to catch our breaths, she gave me the most shocking news ever.

"I'm pregnant."

I didn't let my mate spend any more second in her house cos I took her back home.

Mom and Angeline were at the front porch waiting for us.

"Oh Talia!" They yelled each taking turns to hug Natalia.

We went in after minutes of hugging and crying and I just watching them, smiling.

Asher and Caleb also took turns to hug Natalia.

MY MATE IS A CELEBRITY Where stories live. Discover now