Chapter 14 - 'Trust no one'

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Jade played with the glass, her fingers lightly running around the ring while her cigarette slowly burned before her in the ashtray. Her eyes danced over the crowds gathered in the club. Places like this weren't the scene for any of the council members, nor for many who worked under them. But there were still a few who searched for food in these crowds. She had to be mindful of those people, as well as ones who were loyal to the council.

With her eyes narrowed, she lifted her glass and took a sip. Not something she needed to soothe her nerves, but like anything else, it was something she liked the taste of. Of course, being a vampire meant she couldn't have a shit ton. There were ways to poison vampires, and drinking too much was one of them. It sure didn't kill you, but Jesus, you suffered for days on end. Especially if you weren't able to get clean blood into your system. Yup, alcohol poisoning fucking sucked.

She sat her glass down with more force than she wanted. What the hell was she doing here? Treading her ground so carefully? Helping a fucking human, no matter how damn sexy he was? This wasn't like her. When had she changed her mind, and decided to become something she wasn't? Some seeker of truth when she never had been before.

"You look lonely." Jade lifted her eyes and slowly took in the man before her. He was good-looking, but he wasn't Xander, and that thought instantly pissed her off.

"I'm not lonely. But you're more than welcome to have a seat." He smirked as he sat beside her.


"What can I do for you, Benjamin?" She wasn't about to introduce herself. If he was here, looking for her, seeking what she offered, he didn't need to know a damn thing about her. That's how she liked to keep things. Simple and in the end, no one got hurt.

"You caught my attention and I wanted to come say hi." She lifted a brow, her fingers running around the rim of her glass as her eyes stayed focused on him.

"Is that so? That could be dangerous."

"I know what you are, what most of you are." Jade tilted her head, about ready to say something when someone spoke up.

"Scram." She turned her attention, her lips lifting up. She wasn't sure if the feeling she was having was annoyance or happiness. Neither were ones she wanted to focus on. Benjamin looked at her and she merely lifted a shoulder. "I said scram. No one said she was alone tonight. Go find another vampire to bug. This one is spoken for."

"My apologies." The guy left and Xander took his spot, turning to face her.

"Really?" Xander asked.

"Hey, you know I got to feed."

"I'm well aware." He crossed his arms and rested them on the table. "Is that why you're here?" She finished the contents in her glass and shook her head.

"No, though it should be. Why are you here? You aren't planning on seeking out another vampire to offer yourself up to, are you?" He smirked and she hated to admit how good that fucking look was on him.

"No. I thought...," he paused and ran his fingers through his hair. "I thought I maybe I could find something."

"Something? Meaning what?'

"I don't know, Jade. Something that would piece this all together? Something that wouldn't put you in the line of fire, like I'm feeling you are."

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