VI- passion

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It had been a week since the beginning of class, and (Y/n) was happy to say she'd grown used to her new routine. And although some might have found the monotonous pace of her life quite boring she found this to be just what she needed.

Everything was finally starting to look more familiar to her, from the streets she took to Bellemont to the faces surrounding her day to day life.

So this morning she hadn't been surprised when she had found Aaron at the barre yet again, way before everyone else. She had learned that the best way to greet him was with a silent bow of her head by now.

Aaron simply returned the gesture, not really sparing her a glance yet acknowledging her presence all the same. At first this had irritated (Y/n) greatly, but now she didn't really care anymore and simply got on with her routine.

If he wanted to talk, he would. If he didn't want to, then it didn't make a difference to her.

On the other side of the room Aaron cursed at himself for getting distracted again, restless in his attempts at concentrating.

His eyes found (Y/n) across the room, seemingly in her own little bubble, earbuds plugged in her ears like every morning. He envied her for being able to block everything out, and for a moment he wondered what she might be listening to.

Maybe he could ask her? Or maybe he shouldn't. Not like he cared anyways and he bet it wouldn't be that good of a song anyways. Not worth the effort of him interacting with her.

A certain longing tugged at his chest still, a bitterness he couldn't quite pinpoint nor understand.

Why was he still looking at her? What was so interesting about her in this moment for her to captivate his attention? Maybe it was her technique, or the way she carried herself.

Yeah, it had to be it. He could see it from here, her lines weren't merely as perfect as they should be.

Or maybe Aaron was just annoyed and irritated with her not acknowledging him. Very dumb of him indeed when he had been the one to push her away and tell her to fuck off on more occasions than one.

'Congrats by the way. For the solo? You deserve it.'

The same sentence replayed in his head over and over again, much like it had for the past few days. (Y/n)'s small smile still fresh in his mind, embedded in ink underneath his eyelids.

He saw it every time he closed his eyes, every time he looked at her, a part of him hoping for her to smile at him again.

It was stupid of him to be stuck on such a minor event, really. It's not like (Y/n) had said or done anything special. Or at least nothing that should elicit such an interest on Aaron's part.

So what if everyone seemed to dislike him? So what if they said he was cold and an asshole? So what if this had been the first someone else than Esme and Adam had smiled at him in a while?

So what if this had been the first time in a while someone other than his best friends had congratulated him for his achievements? Had acknowledged his work?

This didn't make (Y/n) any less irritating in Aaron's mind, in fact it only made her that much more insufferable. Before, he at least had the peace of mind of not thinking about her that much, now she lived rent free in his head and he hated it.

And all it had taken was a few words and a smile from her.

Was a small part of him hoping she'd talk to him again? Maybe. Did he hate it? Absolutely. Because one thing was for sure he certainly wouldn't be the one to make the first step and talk to her.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now